Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Finally a ray of sunshine
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Peace is restored is it just a false hope ... time will tell
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Did you wake up the right side finally?
It must be an octopus since yet anothe shoe has dropped.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Back to the basic's ...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
And the gig is up ....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Guess what I did yesterday?
Here are few of my favorite pictures that I took before I felt like thrown up:
Here is Mt RainierThe Tacoma Dome
Tacoma Narrows Bridge (New and Old Bridges)Ok he said this was Mt. Baker (I'm horrible at Geography, I'll take his word)
And the closterphobic machine, I mean the airplane I flew onSo after my flight I'm feeling queasy and not really wanted to deal with much. I get back to the office to do a few things before I have to pick Roy up. Then we pick up Cole, he's in a different shirt then I put him in. Oh crap what happened now, please God just be he got paint on himself. Yup no luck there, he had an accident while going potty. He hasn't perfected the wiping technique yet, bravo he had it to the toilet at least! So I got "the talk" that he has to be able to wipe all on his own. Then she looked at me with that look, really I almost cried by this point, that they will give it a few weeks, then .... that is where she stopped and the look went on. Oh crap what the heck am I going to do. I'm so exhausted these days, trying to hard to please everyone and get everything done and now this. I know he's trying and he's scared and really wants to be good, but just hasn't been able to figure out the whole wiping thing. So here I am not knowing what to do. If any of you have suggestions or know anything I REALLY would appreciate any help!
Well that is how my night should end me just spent and trying to figure out this new dilemma. But instead Roy informed me last night that there is a meeting at his school tonight! Really, I guess he has a paper that is suppose to come to me every Thursday that he hasn't been giving me even though I've been asking every night if I need to sign or see anything. Kids they really may be the death of me. So I hop back in the car with Roy and set out to his school, of course I'm 15 minutes late since I had to deal with Cole and feed everyone. We got to stand outside since the gym was packed and we were late! I did get to see his teacher, who I emailed for help today. She did the thing I needed the most she gave me a hug. Who would know that the simple little thing was what I needed? We stayed for a 1/2 hour and then headed home.
Home sweet home, NOT! LOL poor Tarra and Rick I left them with the 3 youngest kids and the house was crazy and there was screaming. Roy looked at me before I answered the door and said Cole. I'm glad to say this time it wasn't my kid, but Cole did try to go poop again by himself and made a HUGE mess. So Rick was in the bathroom scrubbing it down. I am now the proud owner of a bathroom that you could eat out of (well that is probably until this morning) but he bleached and scrubbed the whole thing. He has been on a cleaning kick, thank the lord! So I put everyone to bed and decided that I'm going to pray for help.
Here I am hoping today will be better and I won't have to pull Cole out of school. He's doing so well in school it's just the daycare part and having to poop! Lord give me strength because right now I really need it. And P.S. Thank you Tarra she also saw I was needing a hug and give me one too last night. Just the little things that make me a little teary.
Monday, September 22, 2008
On the edge of my seat ...
While I was out running an errand I heard a commercial for ground beef on sale, so I ran into Albertsons. Ok I was looking and looking and couldn't find it for the life of me, so I ask she's like it's in the butcher block. The what? Ok for those of us who don't use the meat counter since usually everything in there is so out of my price range, it's called a butcher block. I felt like a rich gal today or at least in my mother league. They actually wrapped it and separated it in 2 lb bags for me. I felt like the queen of the ball, walking out with my brown paper wrapped meat. Ok I know your so rolling @@ your eyes, it not a big thing to most but for us who never go to the meat section it's a HUGE deal. I'm so a fan of Albertson's now.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Are you sure it's Sunday? It feels like a work day!

The Zoo says this is the best house pet! Thanks for that insight!
We even got to touch a snake, thankfully it was fake!
The owl that can turn his head almost completly around! Now get this right this is NOT an ant eater, as Anngie was so quickly told by the zoo people.
Man those Zoo people have good ears!
Smiles gone, yup it's time to leave and find food!Look at Cole trying to copy Roy's peace sign.
Only if it was peace around the house.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wrangling 3 boys is so much fun ...
Finally Friday and I don't feel like cooking I buy a pizza ...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
From Fancy Free and Flying to unhappy and grounded
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Will it ever end?
Monday, September 15, 2008
And the sicky boy begins
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Cranky sick little one to the fair
Some Fun Fair Pictures:

Look Everyone being so nice and decorating thier tiles!
Look Mom at my Tile I decorated!

A rare moment when Caden was awake and happy.
And this is what we saw most of the time.
He flipped himself around and was trying to escape until he feel asleep.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
What a day ... Why do I pack so much into one day?
Friday, September 12, 2008
I made it to Friday ...

Dad hang out on the decks with Caden
Dad, Caden & Roy hanging out on the dock
Monnie & Bapa and Caden
I'm a sleep mom take my picture
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Taxi Hat Back On ...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tomorrow has to be better right?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Just call me taxi driver ...

So after my hair was beautified I got back on the road to pick up the boys, start with Roy, then pick Caden and Khari up (Tarra's daughter) and head for Cole's school. While I'm driving I get a call from my postman to let me know 2 pkgs from Korea arrived and are at the office (wow who knew customer service was still alive). So we head towards the post office and Tarra calls her BF's car broke down and her mom was picking her up, so I'll bring Khari her way. So we pick up the boxes which of course they make Roy come in, not to see an idea but just to see him? WTF I could have brought in an ethnic person, not like they knew he was Korean or who he was real safe! So the boxes are HUGE, so we drop them off at home and head back out.
I've learned the 4 kids and one adult in a car for a long ride can put the test to any one's sanity. We hit the mall and drop car off with Tarra and we head back home. Oh crap I need milk, so we stop at Summit for milk and of course a few more items. I'm on a roll, we might be home a little after 7pm, I'm sure this is helping my cause with Roy saying that it takes too long to get home. Welcome to my world, oh how I miss he single kidless days of home right after work a bowl of cereal and TV.
Ok back to reality, we get home and unload a whole cupboard for Roy's treats his parents sent. I get the boys in PJ's with no luck on bedtime in sight. They both were not having it. Finally get everyone in bed and call rick since he was suppose to be home at 8pm and it's now 10pm. Meeting ran over and he's picking up a bite with the guys. So here I am a little after midnight now and he's just getting home. I swear guys have no concept of respect to call to say hey I'm still with the boys it's going to be a little longer than 11pm like I said. GRRRR ... then you try to talk to them about it and of course your the bad person. Some days don't you wish kids and husbands came with instruction manuals? Maybe I can make that with the alarm clock. Hey let me dream, now I'm going to bed before I kill my hubby or pass out not sure what is going to come first. Hugs.
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