Well guys I’ve been doing very well with my weekly work out. I’ve been doing the DVD 5 to 6 times a week and last week I did add in an 1 1/2 hours walking in a pool. I’ll give you a weigh loss when I see one (I finally stepped on a scale last week … ugh). On the doctor side I went yesterday it was a community clinic so I had to WAIT 2 HOURS past my appointment time to see her. She laid into me about not taking my thyroid … I deserve it. She gave me 6 weeks of my pills and then wants me to come take a blood test to see what level I should be at.
On the breakfast time I’ve been sticking to a smoothie every morning even on the weekends. I’ve been trying different ones and have found 2 more (I’m still a fan of the first Green Monster I made). Last week I made the blueberry one that was just ok so I switched in the middle of the week to this Green Monsta! I never thought I’d be eating let alone drinking anything with Tofu in it but it was actually good. This one cost a little bit more with the cost of OJ and the Tofu and the Avacado. It had an ok taste to it but then I added in my raspberry Emergency C and it was good. I probably won’t make it a lot due to the cost.

The Green Monsta
- 1 cup of fresh baby spinach (rinsed)
- 1/2 of a whole avocado (peeled and sliced)
- 1 package of silken tofu
- 1 honeycrisp apple with the skin (rinsed, cored, and sliced)
- 8 oz of orange juice (calcium fortified)
- Honey or agave nectar (to taste)
- Ice
- Blend all ingredients in a blender or smoothie maker until completely smooth (about 5 minutes)
- Makes about 4 (8oz cups)
- Enjoy!
Recipe from: http://keepyourdietreal.com/food/drinks/a-green-smoothie-and-an-update/
This week I thought I’d try one Kale Spinach and Apple Smoothie. Another thing I didn’t think I’d be eating let alone drinking is Kale! Now this is an OK one the Kale is prominent in the flavor even with my Emergency C you can taste it. NOW it’s not like eating grass but it’s still not going to trick your brain into this being fruity
. I bought enough kale for the whole week so I will have to drink it until I’m out of it.

Weight Watchers Kale Spinach and Apple Smoothie (3pts)
1 cup lite vanilla soy milk
1 heaping cup spinach leaves
1 heaping cup chopped kale leaves
1 frozen banana (quick tip – freeze them without the peels for quicker use)
1/2 granny smith apple
1 tsp honey
1. Blend the spinach, kale, and vanilla soy milk on high in the blender until well blended without chunks.
2. Add the frozen banana, apple, and honey and blend to your desired consistency. Drink up!
Now to make you laugh today (Valentine’s Day) I’m laying in bed forever not wanting to open my eyes finally do to look at the clock to see I’m 1 1/2 hrs late for work … Caden turned off my volume! UGH. Then when I clocked off to get Cole out the door I made my smoothie, went to poor it and the bottom exploded from my smoothie maker! Oh yes I was green, the walls, the counter top and the floor!
Rick had the day off so I found a new machine printed it out and put it by his phone when he woke up. Being the amazing guy he went and bought it for me!
YES this is a wedding present that I JUST opened almost 9 years later … lol. So it was very nice to make smoothies in. SADLY it lasted about a week … ugh. Today it died a sad and messy death!

Happy Valentine’s Day to me from my hubs. Roses and a Ninja! Of course I had to try it out after my work out (yes I did my work on Valentine’s day, no excuses).

So there you have it two new green drinks and a funny green mess. When they say egg on your face, I can now say no green on me
! Hope you had an amazing Valentines day!