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Friday, May 1, 2009

Ecostore USA Review

I am so lucky and had the chance to review amazing products on Ecostore USA that are plant-based household cleaning products, and body and baby care that are so gentle on your skin and are simply beautiful to use. No truer words have been written or spoken. When I saw these products on several other sites I just had to get my hands on them. And hello wouldn't you too, just check out their banner on their website doesn't it just make you want to be a part of it? My same thoughts! The people at the Ecostore USA are the friendliest people you will ever met. And get this they have FREE shipping on all order $25 or more, I know what a deal!

Just check out the Ecostore USA and their amazing products! We are all trying to do better and be more earth friendly, but most of those products smell funny or don't really clean everything. You know this skeptic girl I went to town on my hands and knees (Yes Rick had to pull me back up off the floor) washing the lovely little treats the boys leave me. It's a wonder we don't have rats (*knock on wood) that's another story in itself!

The Citrus Spray Cleaner blew me away how clean it got the floor and how nice it smelled! At $9.00 for 17 fl oz and $7.00 for a refill you just can't beat it! We all want to be more earth friendly, well here is your chance to do it and still be happy with cleaning! I know I'm so not a cleaner but as I said the rats wouldn't be a pleasant experience either!

The second product I got to try was the Laundry Powder that smelled amazing and actually cleaned the clothes awesome! Now I must confess I haven't used powder laundry soap in years because of a nasty residue that was left by others. I was so happy to find when I pulled the clothes out of the washer they didn't have that silk film on them. Their Laundry Powder consists of simple mineral salts and plant-based ingredients. Its natural lemon fragrance will not harm or irritate the skin.

They were so sweet and even sent me two products to try on the boys, I'm telling you they are an amazing company you must check them out!!! The products we tried for the boys was the Baby Nappy Balm , that ever time I see the name makes me giggle ... I know I'm such a dork, but that's great because I will never forget the name to tell people about it. Sorry no pics of me using the nappy balm since the Caden's butt on here may get me in trouble. You'll have to take my world that the poor little guy had a bad rash for sometime and it cleared it right up. My daycare lady was so impressed and asked to use it on the little one their. Yup I convert everyone!

My next favorite product that I tried on the boys was the Baby Sleepytime Bath smelled so good I wanted to take a nap with the boys, but then I remembered the laundry! The Baby Sleepytime Bath is an aromatherapy blend of Lavender and Geranium will help your little one fall into a relaxed, calm sleep. It's so easy it tells you to use just use one capful in the bathwater, it's amazing that little amount but really that is all you need. The thing I like the best is NO NASTY CHEMICALS are used in the SleepyTime bath and this helps keep the planet’s water pure and safe. I'm going to convert you all, because these is just too good to pass up!

Head over to Ecostore USA and check out all their amazing products and heck all the cute pictures that go along with it. I'm telling you if their banner doesn't make you giggle then you need to take a Baby Sleepytime Bath and come back :).

Check it out I even took pictures of me and of course my helper that loves to clean with momma. See happy boy with a happy bum ;)

On the floor I go to clean
On to the laundry
Just one small scoop cleans a whole load!
Poor that scoop in!
Yup bye bye (move over) liquid soap you have been replaced!
Check out the suds, see I told you it was good!
Nappy Balm!
Still giggling :)
My helper while I'm cleaning the floor
Floor Clean and helper is done too!
My thanks to Ecostore USA for allowing me try these wonderful products! I had so much fun reviewing and trying them all!


  1. Awesome review :) I love EcoStore products. Since trying it I only get their stuff for Princess.

  2. Is it me, or did something change over here? I still see monkeys, but there are not as many...did some run away?

    Glad you are drawing in the goods!

    Reminds me I need to throw some laundry are such a good friend for that :)

  3. . It doesn't get much more organic/green and safe than water. Save money and the Earth and be clean at the same time...yes! Get serious and add Bathroom Bidet Sprayers to all your bathrooms. Available at with these you won't even need toilet paper any more, just a towel to dry off! It's cheap and can be installed without a plumber; and runs off the same water line to your toilet. You'll probably pay for it in a few months of toilet paper savings. And after using one of these you won't know how you lasted all those years with wadded up handfuls of toilet paper. Now we're talking green and helping the environment without any pain.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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