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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Spring Concert, Home Improvements and Easter

Wow it's been a heck of week, I've learned I NEED to go the gym to get some stress out! Feeling much better! LOL I've been completely blessed by my amazing work family and I can't say Thank you enough for how much they care and made me feel special.
So with Rick not working full time we get projects done around the house ... lol. We got the last of the doors up in the hallway my bedroom and the bathroom. I couldn't believe how much a door could change the look of the house. It really made it look more updated! Fingers crossed when I try to refinance here in a few months it goes well!!! Rick's buddy and his brother came over to help ... they had to have me take a picture of them hugging him. Rick not pleased ... lol. I couldn't believe how nice it was to get into my room with out the door. We have a LARGE bed so it's hard with the door open to get in and out. ALMOST told him to keep it off .. lol
Also this week we had Cole's Spring Concert, this is the first year it was close to Easter which was perfect timing. He goes to a great small Christian School and they sang so beautiful. Cole and 4 of his buddies even had a special song! My dad came and helped with Caden, I love my dad he always helps so much! This is the first one Rick made it too (another nice thing about no job) and he was able to video tape it for me. Afterwards dad treated us to dinner! I don't know what I would do with out him. He's the best dad ever!
Saturday after work I got the table set up for eggs. I picked up a dino and monkey kit for the boys! Boy that went fast! They loved it and even liked the hard boil eggs, who would have guessed that?
We had a Egg Hunt at Church but we arrived a little late and it was open to all so all the neighbors showed for the hunt not church and had BAGS full of eggs. Sharing was not in their vocab. Poor Cole was so sad :(, but I promised we'd do a hunt at home!
While waiting for dinner we played a little Wii! Cole showed GG (my grandmother) how to play Wii Bowling! LOL look at her go, 81 and rocking the Wii!
Cole's party is in a few weeks, we're going with a Super Hero Theme. So if the kids want to dress up and come they can, that way all Super Hero's are welcomed. My mom bless her heart made a T-shirt for Cole from Felt I bought at the dollar store. For their Birthday Cards I love to put a picture of them. A few pictures of Cole in his costume, and of course Caden and had to get into it. By the end you have the disheveled Cole Super Hero picture ... lol. P.S. no that is not the middle finger it's the #1 I promise! I had to zoom and double check!
Phew that was one heck of a weekend! It was a slower weekend at work but it was nice to get to the gym too! Thanks for stopping by, hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! You must be loving your new doors! They look great!

    That's awesome that Rick made it to Cole's program! And your Dad reminds me of mine-super great guy that you can't help but love ;-)

    Your stickers stuck! Yay! LOL! You had better luck than us! ;-) My kiddos had bits of the egg that turned out and they seemed to like it. I couldn't believe it because I thought hard boiled eggs were gross until I got to college! LOL!

    Love Cole's costume! Your mom did an awesome job with his shirt! :-)

  2. We went to the park and my youngest only got 3 eggs, but thats because she was way to interested in watching the other kids and trying to shoot them with a squirt gun lol. But we had already had our hunt at home where she had plenty of eggs!

  3. I love coloring eggs!! They look like they had fun!! I also think that is awesome that your grandmother is playing the Wii bowling, so super cool, I want to be like that when I get older!!

  4. Your boys are lovely.. Your family looks as happy as ours was this weekend. It was great having the girls home though. Imissed them dearly.. About the picky eaters did I mention its not so much my girls but its my hubby...LOL.. And I cant force him to eat something that he doesnt want...

  5. Oh, how cute. I'm sure the party will be a blast!

  6. Your little superhero is so darling!

    Go Grandma- rocking the wii! :)

  7. so glad you got you some doors up!!!!

    great easter pics too!!!!

  8. Looks like an amzing weekend! Doors are a good thing! Love the super hero! Sounds like the concert was a great addition. What a sweet grandma to play wii! That is truly an incredible woman. I love it when I watch my mom play with my kids and wish my grandma could also! Treasure the moment!

  9. what a fun post. I did the same kind of post to day and I told everyone I got the idea from you.. I hope you do not mind.. I have not seen you in any pictures lately where are you? Missing the Poser.. The other poser is out today..

  10. Wow you were busy! Bummer on the egg hunt - we had the same problem at my church... but the wee ones were ok with the few eggs they got. *I* was really disappointed with the selfishness of some of the other kids though. Good life lesson though?

  11. Yes, door do make a difference. The program looks cute. I love children singing. I haven't died Easter eggs in years. How can people do that, take the eggs and leave! It's like sending your children to sunday school but never attending the church yourself. Love GG playing Wii. I love the bowling. My dad is called GG in Florida for Great Grandpa.
    Looks like a great Easter.

  12. We didn't do one thing for Easter as we were traveling on Sunday and I'm tapped out from the Disney trip.

    I dread exercising but feel so good when I'm done. That is the only thing that keeps me doing it.

  13. Boo Hoo Rick! =*(
    Go GG!! Love that! LOL!
    Cole's party is going to be so awesome! You're so cool... =)

  14. What a fantastic time you had with your kids. The concert looks like a great time was had by all, I'm so glad Rick got to go and see Cole, plus I'm glad your dad went with you... He seems like a wonderful man!
    Thanks fofr sharing such a great time with all of us.
    Love & hugs to the whole fmily!!


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