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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting Ready for Cole's Special Day

So even though Cole's 5th Birthday is not until later in April, his class is celebrating his special day today! My mom was very nice and ordered the cupcakes from a special cupcake place and picked up bags for the kids. Now my mom is amazing and she loves to shop at the best places way better then I could ever afford. Yes I'm not ashamed to admit that I would have picked up the bags and goodies at the dollar store ... LOL and probably made cupcakes. But she was very nice and bought all these mind you the cost was a little over $100 for these few items. Yes and you who have been following know that this total was added to the Walking with the Dinosaur show that my parents and Cole are going to for a whopping $220 for all of them. So no swing set but we do have some pretty amazing stuff instead. Still a little sad and trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to pull off a swing set, but 'm sure I'll figure it out ... LOL
Check out the gift bags, plus the early special gift brought home for Cole (and Caden).
Boy Bags, Mom bought special stickers to decorate all bags and ribbon to tie them.
All bags have a bunch of Foam puffy stickers in animals, pack of gold fish and boys got mini cars.
I went to the dollar store and picked up color books
Power Rangers for the boys.
Girl Gift Bags!
Girl Bags had little books instead of cars.
And Strawberry Shortcake Color Books I picked up.
All the gift bags, 7 boys & 6 girls
Now pray that I counted right, since I'm a dork and didn't find my list.
Teacher gets a special cupcake.
Cole's Special Cupcake with a sugar Dinosaur
Plus special stickers to decorate the box.
Check out these cupcakes.
All I can say is I don't remember ever getting these for my birthday!
What is the black blob?
Why it is our new fish Spiderman
(you after the black Spiderman)
Caden was getting up close and personal.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Make Something Monday ... SOS anyone ?

Make Something Monday

I'm a make something Monday breakfast. This time I bring to you SOS, nope I'm not going to tell you what my dad use to say that was for. I will just call them Sausage Gravy over biscuits :). This was another super easy one that everyone loved and it is one of my all time favorites from growing up. Heck I still love it before kids Rick and I use to go to a dinner every Sunday and I would get a heaping plate of SOS. Today I'm doing much better with my portions and sticking to my small plate. Check it out, my helper was gone this morning but Rick was home for a little while before leaving for work so he was able to enjoy.

What I need to start the biscuits.
Check out a different cup this time.
My biscuits cut out and ready to go.
Make the Country gravy, yup I cheat :)
Add the sasuage to the gravy.
Yummy sasuage gravy is ready.
Biscuits out of the oven!
Cut open 2 biscuits.
Ta Da add the gravy and you're ready to serve.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Afrin Pure Sea Giveaway!!!

Hi Girls it giveaway time again! I have my newest BzzAgent campaign for Afrin. Now as you know it's Allergy season, and as most households it has hit us and me hard this time around. Now some of you are going a giveaway for Afrin, but hello we all need some help with the dust, mold, smoke, germs and all those pesky irritants and pollutants that make you want to take your head off until it back to feeling normal! See as you know I'm all about the practical and what can fix it right then and there. I've even used Afrin for Cole (Caden is still too little), my doctor recommended it and you can't believe who much it helped. Really recommended for kids over the age of 2, you know you've heard that too!
So I know this isn't one of those flashy giveaways, but it's one you actually use and need! I know the mom in all us want to find those products that we have a staple in our medicine cabinet. As I've said before I'm a thrift shopper and sometimes I do actually buy name brand, just when you compare brands you find that Afrin is one of those has it all brands. Some wonderful features to think about is 100% purified sea water, rinse nasal passages, no mixing (just give it to me, yup no fuss here), contents remain sterile after use (you know you were wondering that) and preservative free! A wonderful product and hey I have a coupons so you can try it, I know you thrifty CVS shoppers will find coupon after coupon and be able to buy this at little or no cost. Then you'll be hooked and it will become one of those items you always have on hand.

Now for the fun part, I know the rules but really I do try to make it fun!
Contest goes to April 5th 11:59pm PST
First Entry (MUST be done first)
Tell me a funny story about being sick and allergies or what brand you usually use if any?

Extra Entries (count only if first step was done)

1. For Two (2) extra entries be a follower on the side bar click follow (if you already are just leave me a message saying so). Make sure to leave me 2 separate additional comments.

2. For Two (2) extra entries add my button to your site (if you already are just leave me a message saying so). Make sure to leave me 2 separate additional comments.

3. For One (1) extra entry go over Afrin and tell me another product you like.

4. For Three (3) extra entries blog about this giveaway, come back here and leave me a link to the post. Make sure to leave me 3 separate additional comments.

That is a total of 9 entries, come on girls you know you want to win.
I have a total of Nine (9) winners, yes you read that correct! I have one LARGE (4 fl oz) bottle of Medium Strength to giveaway to the 1st winner and 8 additional people will win a $3 off coupon, heck yeah $3 is a lot these days (well any days in my book, money is money).

Let me show you what you'll win! Plus some funny pictures of what a sick Alexis looks like too!

Grand Prize Winner - 1 4oz Bottle
Medium Stream Hydrating Nasal Rinse

8 additional winners receive $3.00 off coupons!

Sick Alexis who is not feeling so well.

Still has to get up @ 5am on a Saturday to work!See I'm feeling good and can breath again!

Nothing better then breathing out of both nostrils!

Yes this is me no make-up and bed head! Enough hair spray and going to bed can make your hair look this good too!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Check out Dad Blogs Giveaway

As some of you know from a previous post a swing set is a sore subject around here. About 3 years ago my parents said they would buy a swing set for Cole (we only had Cole at the time) part of the deal was we had to landscape the back yard. Yes my parents do stuff like that! LOL So we totally worked it all up and had the yard all done! No swing and now other things have been bought and it doesn't look we'll be getting a swing anytime soon. I did have a plan to use some of the money from the tax return for a new one, but no such luck you know tires on the car became more important (who would think!). So this is what I would wish for if the magic genie came out and asked me my dream. Yup isn't it pretty? I would love to be able to send the kids outside and know they are playing on something safe. What that old shed of ours isn't that safe??? What it only leans a little ... LOL. Just playing I love my kids and want to make sure whatever we do get is quality and will last. That's another thing when I do have to buy one (that is if I don't win) it has to be one that wil last! Bring on the spring and let the kids play outside, please I'm loosing hair by the fistfull ... LOL

Now since I'm so nice and love to share the giveaways (no it hasn't nothing to do with to enter you need to post a blog). Ok first I must thank my girl Kristie @ Kristie's Notes for letting me know about this giveaway. Check her blog out and then go over and check outDad Blogs. To win this Kid's Creations swing set for them over at Dad Blogs along with a Canon PowerShot SD1100 Digital Elph camera. Just letting you know Kristie or I already have put dibs, but you can try to win if you want to ... LOL.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blond Ambition Here I come .... And a Lovely Surprise!

Before I tell you all about my lovely new hair!!! I have to start with an amazing giveaway I won about a week ago. One of my favorite bloggers Laura @ Hey what's for dinner Mom? had a purse on her Spring Fling Giveaway! Now not just any old purse a pink COACH purse!!! Yes you read that correct a won an amazing Coach purse, it's so pink and pretty!!! I must tell you I'm in love ... Oh ok I'll stop gushing! But really I don't get many girlie things in this house! Ok back to what I'm trying to talk about, Laura is having an amazing giveaway at her blog you need to check out. You know I did! What it's ok to keep trying and winning, oh hush! Check out her latest addition in this weeks cleaning spree - Thursday Cleaning Roundup-Pirate Booty Snack Break-Crock Pot Red Beans and Rice. Each day this week she's done a post about cleaning her house. You can comment on each day for an entry for the giveaway. This day blew my mind check out her pantry before and after, it made me want to go out and buy the Seventh Generation product she in her giveaway. Check this out Spring Clean and Win Week! Seventh Generation!!, yup she made me sick too. I almost crossed her off my BFB (Best Friend Blogger, thank you Mrs. Cooper for the cute new word), but I love her food post so I guess I'll just have to loath her ... LOL just playing. Check out the giveaway and Laura and long with another Shout out for Mrs Cooper who is another amazing blogger (hint you may see a little something fun over there soon about me).

Ok now onto me, I know who knew I could go that long with out talking about myself. So today I was able to get my hair done. I'm so excited I'm going back to blond! Plus I had to show off my new purse, and yes I couldn't do that before I had my hair done. Oh stop rolling your eyes, I can see you!

I love my hairdresser, but not the best at styling.

I'll take a picture tomorrow with it done up!

I know I'm such a poser
See I told you not styled!
The back side, I have the under neath done with a dark color to give it definition :)
Ohh What did I get???
It's a coach purse!
And my favorite color!
My Purse isn't it cute!!!!
Look it comes with the bag too!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"FFFF #19: Teen Years"


This week over at Diana Rambles for her Family Foto Fun Friday (that runs for a week, and yes today is the last day) was the teen years. So here you have it girls, I had to scan photos and even take pictures of a few since my scanner died ... LOL Enjoy

Here is what Diana had to say about the FFFF:
Today continutes the My Former Years photo series. This week's theme is Teen
Years. Please post at least one photo of you in your teen years...13-19 yrs or
so. Only 1 pic needed and it doesn't have to be high school...the first few
years of college is still teens. Dust off the scanner photos and participate!
9th Grade our first dance!
Me and Tarra all dressed up
Mom tells me I had to have this shawl? What the heck girl?
Junior High - Jazz Hands!
Jazz Costumes - Me and BFF Tarra (Yes she was the diaper wrapper for the earlier post, still friends 20 years later ok a few more than 20, but I'm sticking with the round number)
Junior High - Jazz Costume (Oh so flattering)
Junior High - Tap Costume
My Girlfriend didn't have a date to her dance so I went with her.
Aren't we cute!
11th Grade School Picture
I know, what is up with the hair. All I can say it was the 90's
11th Grade Dance - Me & the Girls
I'm in the black
My 17th Birthday at School
Just ask the boys I still have that look ... LOL
Senior Picture (Mom's Favorite)
Yes Glamour Shots, and it was the 90's big hair was still in!

(Semi)Wordless Wednesday ... How to open a fruit snack

So mom bought the kids a thing of fruit snacks I told Cole that he couldn't have any until the next morning. Mind you I get up the next morning at 5am to work and found this in the kitchen. It seems my super smart 4 year old thought he would be smart and cut a small part and then sneak the snacks out. Yup I found an empty bag that looked full until I looked closely! Got to love his sneaky little mind!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Palmolive Winners!!!

Yeah Girls sorry for the delay on this post, I got a little sidetracked last night! The 5 winners will be receiving emails shortly from me! They have 48 hours to contact me, if I don't hear back. I'll select again.

P.S. Be sure to check back I have an Afrin Giveaway scheduled for this weekend! I know you're thinking what a product, but we all get sick and hello a little help is always needed! Hey free product is free product, plus I have $3 off coupons that is almost like a free one (I bet you savy CVS shoppers could it get it plus $ back). Ok how is that tease! LOL

Random Sequence Generator
Here is your sequence:
Timestamp: 2009-03-24 18:47:03 UTC

1st winner ~ Gets 3 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 2 coupons for $1 off
36 - Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...
Alas, I have no funny stories about washing dishes........well, none I can think of now.....but, I will say that I'd love to try something that helps keep the skin smooth. I too am cursed with dry skin.......and let me tell you, I'm so glad to be long done with washing bottles!!! They really did my hands in........Anyway, count me in.....March 15, 2009 3:56 PM

2nd winner ~ Gets 3 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 1 coupon for $1 off
72 - News Around The Blogs said...
I have your button!!
March 16, 2009 7:34 PM

3rd winner ~ Gets 2 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 1 coupon for $1 off
66 - shopannies said...
following shopannies@yahoo.comMarch 16, 2009 4:11 PM

4th winner ~ 2 Palmolive coupons for $1 off
46 - gahome2mom said...
I don't think this maybe funny to some but when I was about 14, I used to wash dishes for my step-mummy. lol I went to wash a glass and when I poked my hand inside the glass it broke. I was so happy I didn't cut my hand off. lol gahome2mom(at)gmail(d)com
March 15, 2009 7:58 PM

5th winner ~ 2 Palmolive coupons for $1 off
79 - Simply AnonyMom said...
Blogged it
March 16, 2009 10:07 PM

See it pays to follow and blog about it :). Have fun girls, any way I can save money I'm all over it :)
Oh wait funny stories I loved that will get a little treat from me personally (just a little something, I love mail that's not bills).

cpullum said...
I asked my husband to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then turn off the lights in the kitchen before going to bed. I got up in the middle of the night I was thirsty! I sled into home base when I cam into the kitchen the floor was wet and had bubbles everywhere. my husband came running in and started laughing and I asked him what did you put in the dishwasher he said hand soap !! UGH!!!Carlacpullum(at)yahoo(dot)com
March 16, 2009 10:05 PM

auntrene said...
Ok, first things first, I love your blog, the frogs, monkeys, and adorable boys.. So cute.Bzzz Agent, I just became an Agent my first campaign is on the way and I am excited to get going. My funniest dish washing story happened to a coworker. I was the manager at work waiting for a employee to arrive so I could Go HOME!! The phone rings, late employee, Why will you be late I inquire...Ummmm well I was getting ready to do my dishes about an hour or so ago, and started the water running and um this girl called that I have been wanting to take on a date, Um I took the phone out on the porch to talk to her, we talked for an hour... and Ummm my house, well my kitchen, living room, they are like Ummm flooded...Goodness, thankfully the phone conversation must of worked because they have now been married for 6 years and have 2 little boys. Wonder if he does the dishes.Also I love Palmolive, have not used the pure and clean yet, my new favorite is the Oxy... it works great.March 22, 2009 4:56 AM

Thank you so much for all your funny stories I had a lot of funny ones about the dishwasher and I just had to pick Carla with her descriptive sliding into first base ... LOVE it. And Auntrene her story had me giggling, and hey she was so sweet and went on and on about my blog ... LOL. Yes I love flattery :).

Thank you again for all the bloggy support :).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Corned Beef & Cabbage

Make Something Monday

Well Last Tuesday I clung to my 1/8 bit of Irish in me and made Corned Beef and Cabbage. I usually only do this one time a year, I should really do it more often. Well I only think Rick and I like it, Cole is in a huge picky faze. Our dinner times are crying and screaming and that is just me ... LOL. Oh well so here is my favorite one a year meal :).

What you need to start
Stick the Brisket, onion, carrots, seasoning packet and 2 bay leaves in the crock pot.
Add some water
After it's cooked for 8-10 hours add the cabage 1/2 hour before serving.
Ok so this is the first time I did this. So much better no mush ... LOL
Now doesn't that look yummy!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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