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Saturday, May 30, 2009

You Can Make This Giveaway!! (2 Winners)

I love being crafty and making things for the kids that they will hold on to for a lifetime (even if that means I have to take it away and vacuum seal it ... what you were thinking the same thing). I've seen You Can Make This on several blogs and I so wanted to try some things out. The only problem I haven't sewn since High School Home Ec (yes ... uh hum ... 15 years). But I just new this crafty inner person could sew, so when they said I could do a giveaway I was jumping for joy. Really I was so excited, I ran out and bought material and made a date with my friend who is a sewing machine herself. Yes I'm a big enough person to know I need help :).

After gathering up what I thought I would need I headed out to my friend Rachael's house (yes after another run to the fabric store to pick up more fabric wanted to be ready). Thankfully Rachael was smarter than me and actually read the directions, I know what a concept! Found out we needed more than the fabric and stuffing I brought with me. Who would have thunk you actually need thread, fusible webbing, stabilizer etc you know ALL the stuff that You Can Make This listed in the very nice PDF copy they send me for the Name Pillows. I never claimed to be an excellent sewer just one that has done it before. LOL ... that is what good friends are for.

After a trip to the fabric store to pick up those key elements and oh yeah seeing a man dressed as Batman you have to check out my post on Wednesday with all the crazy loops that is just my life that caused this project to go from easy to a fun experience. REALLY this can be a fun and easy project just don't have my luck :). Over all even with all the stops I had a lot of fun and got at least one Name Pillow done. My girlfriend on the other hand I believe is up to 4 Name Pillows being done, I told you she is a sewer and can rock out anything. By the time I left she had the makings of two completed to my one :).

Really for even the new to sewing once you get the hang of this it actually goes rather fast, again if you don't have my luck. Let me give you a little run down just to make you laugh, it's what I do :).

Things to do when completing this project. Do bring your list to the fabric store, yes I went two times by myself with out it and missed some things you really need. Yes I was like all I really need is fabric and stuffing ... LOL. Do not decided to take your sewing machine that was in the garage, mind you still in the box since you've never opened it in 10 YEARS and think it will work perfect for you. I suggest you have a working machine, it does make life easier! After you have all your fabric (and all that other stuff) do be careful when cutting with sharp tools. Another good reason to have a friend that is a sewer she has all the tools and she can politely over and over tell you to cut away from yourself and watch YOUR fingers! Do not again use a machine that will be a pain, as you an see from my pictures most of my day was spent holding the screws while Rachael took it apart trying to one figure out why my machine was only going backwards and oh yeah what is that ca chunk noise? If you're not a pro, buy a little extra fabric for those not cutting straight times, who knew my 5 year old could probably cut better than me? So after hours of trying to fix my machine I ended up giving up putting it in the box and using Rachael, again who would have thunk having a nice machine could really speed up the process. I'm happy to report when I go back over to Rachael house on Sunday to my 2nd Name Pillow from You Can Make This I will be using her machine and having no problems at all! Yup that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Really over all minus just my life this was a VERY fun project that wasn't too terribly hard even for this non sewer. I was very impressed with how my pillow turned out, Even the stitching around Cole's name didn't look that bad (might also be the variegated thread I used, yup another good tip). This is a FUN days craft project (again if you don't have my luck) that you could do even with your older kids. I plan on making at least 2 more (oh yeah plus Caden's) for the boys and one for my mom for her birthday. Really it was that fun and addicting once you see the end product (that and when I went to the fabric store I bought almost a yard of everything even though I was suppose to only have like a 1/2 yard for all ... yup a learning experience) :).

Here was the only two things my sewer friend had to say that might need a little tweaking:

  • To be on the extra side - Buy a minimum of 1/2 yard for the background fabric.

  • When using fusible webbing make sure to put it on the BACK SIDE of the fabric

For Beginner or first time users:

  • Head over to someones house that has the tools
  • Watch fingers that stuff is sharp!
  • Just have fun

Trust me even if you don't win you're going to have to head over to You Can Make This and pick up this pattern. It comes in an easy to down load pdf form, you'll have so much fun believe me everyone will have Name Pillows for Christmas!

BUY IT: You can buy the pattern for the Name Pillows at You Can Make This for $6.95 I know how reasonable is that! Especially when you think all the gifts you can make. Me personally LOVE homemade thoughtful gifts. I'm one of those people that take months to think up the perfect gift for someone. The Name Pillows have made my life easier since I now know what gift several of my family members will be getting this year!

WIN IT: You Can Make This has very generously offered 2 of my readers the pattern for the Name Pillows! Yeah I love when we can have more then one winner!

Mandatory 1st Entry: Head over to You Can Make This and tell me another pattern they have that you would like to try. Yup that easy! (Make sure you have a public email on blogger, if not please leave me one in the comment so I can contact you if you win)

Extra Entries! (Do one or do them all, just make sure to leave comments for each one)

  1. ONE (1) Extra Entry be a follower
  2. TWO (2) Extra Entries have my button up (code on left side)
  3. THREE (3) Extra Entries for subscribing by email (on left side, super easy you don't want to miss anything do you?)
  4. THREE (3) Extra Entries head over to You Can Make This and sign up for their newsletter ~ Look you even something for free if you do.
  5. TWO (2) Extra Entries head over to Rachael and leave a comment, Plus you can see the 4 Name Pillows she has done. Hers are a lot fancier then mine, I'm working my way up to it. She even did a flower on one!
  6. TWO (2) Extra Entries for Blogging about this :) Leave me the link please to the post.
  7. ONE (1) Extra Entry for telling me your funny sewing story or craft story, you know you have one.

Thank you again to You Can Make This this was a VERY fun review, I can't wait to do more projects. Thanks to you I now have a standing date on Sundays to do craft projects. Finally a day for mom! That itself is priceless!

Giveaway Ends 6/14/09 @ 11:59pm PST

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wonder Ball Review

As many of you know I work 3 jobs and to keep the family going money and time wise I love a bargain and anything that makes my life easy. When I saw the Wonder Ball on another friends blog I just knew I had to try it out. Yet another amazing product that helps the busy mom out with her time and budget.

Simply throw the laundry ball in your washing machine, allowing you to use less laundry detergent or none at all along with this laundry aid, you be the judge. Now doesn't that just make your budget happy. I've tried it with and with out laundry soap, both types made me very happy. The clothes came out smelling clean. The Wonder Ball system even comes with dryer balls. Yup dryer balls are my new friend anything that makes my underroos not cling together makes me happy, what you know you were thinking that too!
Now go check out the Wonder Ball system, you can buy one for $49.95. And while you're there check out all the other amazing products Mystical Wonders™ carries. You'll become a fan just like me!
Thank you Mystical Wonders™ for letting me test out my new best friend the Wonder Ball system.

Check out some amazing things Wonder Ball has to say:

Wonder Ball

Less to no detergents needed
May cut drying time
Less static cling
Non-toxic to children's clothing
Chemical free - Skin friendly
reduce allergic reactions
Environmentally friendly
Colors stay brighter
Lasts about 3 years / 2000 washes

Dryer Balls

Energy savings because of reduced drying time.

Ironing alternatives. (See instructions below).

Reduced wrinkles.

Reduced static cling on all natural fiber fabrics (i.e. less friction between clothing).

Softening for your laundry.

Removal of extra lint particles. (Really works great ! ! !)

Non-toxic for use around small children and pets.

Hypo-allergenic for skin sensitive people.

Colorfast on all fabrics.


Buy the best. Do not be mislead with cheap imitations

Did you really have to put me in this car????

So Thursday was the BIG field trip day to Anderson Island where Cole's teacher has a cabin. I took the day off weeks ago, and voice or no voice I was going! So that morning I get up early get everyone dressed and in the car. Well except for our Exchange Student who decided that today (the day I'm in a hurry) was going to take 20 minutes in the bathroom fixing his hair. UGH really I even gave you warning last night we had to leave early Thursday! So after waiting what felt like a million toddler years he got in the car and we were off. I dropped Caden off at daycare, exchange student off at his school, picked up a quick breakfast (I know not the ideal kind, give me a break) and then to Cole's School with 2 minutes to spare. Yes I'm doing a happy dance over 2 minutes.

They paired us up with who we were going to ride with to the cabin. I now know that I need to learn Korean. One to understand my exchange student when I know he's talking crap about me .. LOL and one to ride on this ride today. The teacher put me with the nicest two Korean ladies one thing they didn't speak English ... or I should say a few words just not enough to talk to me the WHOLE ride. Nope now picture this I got to ride in the back row behind two kids and in between Cole and another girl. I felt like my butt was vacuumed sealed into the seat. The sweet girl next to me even told me "You're too big to sit back here" Yup I know, no more excuses time to loose weight.
So our lovely ride to the ferry was oh so fun, yes I was brought along to be the babysitter didn't you know? I felt like we were in a taxi you know because they have that plastic shield in between them and their fare. Yup we had one too, it was just invisible or was it me who was invisible? The 25 minutes drive and 30 minutes waiting for the ferry, I became the only adult that told the kids to stop yelling, stop spitting and you know behave? Really hello would you like to turn around and tell your child to at least listening to me??? Yup a total of maybe 2 or 3 times did we turn around and acknowledge the screaming children. I have entered the zoo and I'm the only zoo keeper! 4 against 1 is not the best odds. I MUST say I have finally met two children worse than Cole! Yup I thought Cole was rambunctious and nothing compares to the girl and the boy I rode with. Oh yeah it was so much fun, yup and oh yeah my numb butt was only the tip or should a say the bottom ... LOL oh yeah I'm a pun queen!

We had lots of fun we played on the beach, the only time you will hear this mom actually say "Go throw rocks Cole" ... hey it was to put the stick down and do something else kind of talk. One of the little girls that rode with us was a scavenger, really she found 3 crabs! Yes I included pictures, who do you think you're talking too! Some near misses of rocks too close to heads, wet shoes and socks it was time to stuff my rear back in between the two car seats. Thankfully it wasn't very far to our next stop, a park! Oh yeah just a mild melt down, so I had to take Cole into the bathroom to have a quick little shape up or ship out talk. Back out to run some more, even a little relay race to run off some energy!

Off to the teachers cabin for hot dogs, watermelons and cupcakes. What a super cute cabin, even had a nice head to greet you when you walked in (yes picture included). At this point Cole wasn't feeling too well, and got a fever. I was very thankful that it was time to go home, well that wasn't until I remembered the long drive and the small spot for my butt! Back to the back of the minivan I go, with 4 screaming kids ... JOY! Thankfully Cole and I just kind of cuddled up together and let the other 2 mom's worry about their kids.

Homeward Bound to hopefully sleep it off and feel better! That was one heck of a field trip, yup I'm happy that we have the summer off.

Skinny Dip Candles Giveaway Winner!!!

Sorry I'm behind on posting this, Monday being a Holiday and me being sick means I'm behind on finding out the winner. Sorry to everyone.
Here you go, thanks to everyone entered!
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-05-29 03:21:43 UTC
Congrats to one of my loyal commenter's! Thanks again everyone for participating! Remember I have two new ones ending this Sunday, don't forget to enter!
And ending next Sunday

Thursday, May 28, 2009

True Learning Review

I've had the best time doing reviews and trying products but I really enjoy ones that help my kids. True Learning is one of those amazing places I came across that is amazing helping kids with Early Learning Curriculum. True Learning comes on a convenient CD-Rom that is easy to print from, this way you can print as little or as many worksheets as you would like. On this amazing little CD you will find over 3,000 different exercise for your child to do.

Cole just love them, I printed out a few different ones for him to try. Of course he loved the color ones (under Art), we also worked on Math which is perfect with him getting ready for kindergarten and he needs to work on writing his numbers. The True Thinking was one Cole told me he liked to do with his teacher at school. Figure out what is different, which one is longer, find the same shapes etc. Yes we even had to take our print out to share with the other kids at school. The preschool teachers were very impressed with detail and the encouragement it gives the child to do each worksheet.

If you have young children or know someone who does this CD is an amazing tool to help them with school. For $19.99 you can order the CD to get started or for $1.99 per month you can get an online subscription (easy online access to the entire library, no shipping and No long-term obligation... cancel at any time). Really for what your child would gain this is priceless but when you think about how much you spend on work books that have what 30 to 60 pages you pay$29.99 (well at least that was the price on the one I just looked at my mom bought for Cole). Just think if you have more then one kids buy the CD and you use them for each child.

Plus you know how I love companies that give back, True Learning has 25% of Profits Go to Educational and Charitable Efforts Committed to improving the lives of children through education, True Learning donates 25% of profits, after taxes, to educational and charitable efforts directed toward children.

Please take a moment to check out this amazing site, you won't be sorry. Cole loves this and anything that gets this boy to sit down is a miracle! Enjoy!

Visit their very own True-Town! Play games, download wallpaper and coloring pages, and get to know the True-Friends.

Here is a little more the True Learning had to say:

True Learning Modules
Each True Learning subject consists of 4 levels of advancement. Each level systematically builds upon the skills presented in the previous levels. The content is created to ensure success and mastery. Every concept is introduced in an intuitive manner, then reinforced and built upon in successive levels. Regardless of your child’s age and ability, True Learning will challenge and stimulate your child at each level.

How It Works
At the very heart of True Learning is our unwavering faith in the incredible abilities of young children. With your encouragement, your child will begin his or her educational experience with a confident and positive attitude. We are dedicated to providing the best tools for this incredible journey you are embarking on with your child.

15 Minutes A Day
15 minutes is the ideal learning span for a young child. True Learning is designed to captivate your child’s interest for 15 minutes-a-day of enriching mind and skill development.

True Moments
Time spent together. Sharing a laugh. Sharing a story. Sharing the learning. We call the 15 Minutes A Day spent together True Moments. Your child will value this precious daily routine. And your child will value the learning, because you are showing that you value the learning.

Did you really just give me attitude?

Ok as promised here is my story about Tuesday night. So for 3 1/2 weeks I've been asking Rick to get with Roy (our exchange student) to do a map of Washington State for his school project. You know since it's due this FRIDAY!!!! Yup leave it to DH to put it off, now yes he started a new job and has been working around 45+ hours (salary) and when he's been off he's been working on our yard (see previous posts). So I give him some slack but when Monday rolled around and he still didn't hadn't even cut the board yet get anything else for it, I told him Tuesday (his day off) he was going to do it. Well of course he had plans Tuesday to help a buddy, wouldn't it be nice to have a day off that you could do anything you want? Yup my days off as you know are either chasing kids, working or hey why not do BOTH!! Yup just a lazy bum here!

Thankfully Tuesday Rick picked Roy up from School to get started on this project. Being the nice person I am I of course picked up the other two boys and heck why not pick up some groceries for dinner. Did I mention I still didn't have a voice and was feeling like CRAP?

I get home to find Rick, his friend and Roy working on the project. Well of course Cole is feeling left out and so badly wants to hang with the big boys. He's excited and jumping around and talking loud and fast (yes he is my child, sounds just like me). So of course Rick's friend who is very young and doesn't have kids gets a little anxious whenever Cole is around and snapped at him to be quiet. Yes being the mother hen and sick one I am I was not the most pleasant back to him. I unpleasant informed him not to talk to my child that way and that he is just 5 years old! So as some of you that have been with me for a while know that the exchange student and I have had a very rocky road. Being he mostly ignores me and doesn't show me one bit of respect unless Rick is around then all is right in the world. Sad for him Rick works odd hours and isn't here a lot when we are. So of course Rick is here Roy is in heaven, Cole is sad and I'm sick. So then Roy tells Cole to move out of the way, I tell him not to yell at Cole he just is watching. Then Mr. Cranky (aka my DH) does not do well under stress had a fit and told Cole to get out, oh boy the tears!! So that set me off and we had a lovely argument about respect. Roy of course puffed up since Rick was being a butt head to me.

To make matters worse Rick's friend was being a pain in my butt too, now don't get me wrong he's a nice kid he's here 3 to 4 times a week for dinner. Which is great since it gives Rick someone to hang out with and keeps him busy. He's a got to moving type of person, as I'm ok with just hanging out at home relaxing. You know with all the kids and the missing hair that is in a clump in my hand ... LOL. So back to the story his friend was back to being funny and not dealing well with the overexcited Cole, so yet again I had to raise my useless voice to tell him to knock it off. Yup that went over well with Rick along with me taking my new Pampered Chef tool that they were using to roll out clay! WTF? I took it back which peeved of little Roy who then tried to grab it back, when I told him no he got Rick to come get it. Really??? I have snubbed by a 11 year old and now my husband is showing him it's ok! GRRRR ... So now I'm getting even more attitude from a 11 yr old and my husband! Talk about a day to just go to bed and tell the world to screw off!

I'm happy to say the cleaning lady came over and at least helped me with the cleaning. The guys finished up Roy's Washington State well to the point where he can paint it tonight. Yes we can hope it will be done by Friday, or he may just have to be sick that day and we can turn it in on Monday! Oh joy! One positive came in the mail for Cole, his grandmother in California sent him a blanket she made for him. It was the coolest blanket I've seen her crochet so far it was 3-D Scooby Doo, with necklace that was free floating ... super cute!! Plus a surprise Carebear she made for my girlfriends daughter birthday that is coming up. I'm so excited that she made it all, she rocks!!! Mark your calendars June 16th for my birthday giveaway, I have some amazing items she made for Cole's school auction that they wouldn't use since they were homemade items :( ... I know but lucky for my followers will get some amazing gifts!!! More to come about that!

Still no voice and feeling like crap I worked a half day on Wednesday to go home to rest. Since I had no boys, before I picked them up I decided to get my haircut and my eyebrows waxed. I know HUGE TREAT, I stopped by a new place that opened by the house. It was in a strip mall but hey they had a sale on haircuts ... LOL I know I'm cheap when it comes to things for me. I went in there was only one gal in there. Come to find out she was the owner and the only one that works there. Not the most talkative and she made a comment I was a little taken aback with when I said I wasn't feeling well she said oh so you thought you would come here in infect your the stylist? Well not sure what you would like me to say but ok then. Besides that my hair turned out very cute, and I'm now going to get one of those super cute flat brush's!

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