High standards by my parents have given me the drive to be who I am at work and in life. I was always good in school and strive to get high grades and enjoyed school. I've taken this threw me to go onto jobs.
When do high standards for you stop and when do they stop for when you put them on others?
Do we always expect other's to stand up? What if they don't?
Along with excelling in so many fields the one thing that has always been a trouble is my weight. This is nothing I hide you know I talk about how hard it is for me to loose weight. I've done it several times and after having Caden this last time it has become harder then ever. I know it I'm working hard to change our diet and do better at other things to help. Believe me it's not something I am not aware of. So when you have someone in your life who believes that every time they see you they need to comment on this one short fall it can really get to you!
Why is that we think we are giving critic but it is actually more destructive then helpful? Tough love is not making a comment each time to a person we are worried about. Maybe we need to change our standards to helping the person instead of putting them down. Would that be a better plan to build up then tare down? Just imagine what we could do by helping others.
A dear friend told me the other day that she has seen what the critics has made me the mom I am that goes over and sometimes beyond to give the boys all the fun times and activities I can squeeze in. She is very right :)
So what do we do? I choose to keep on the course I am going to become a better all rounded (yes that is a pun) me. Not let the negativity effect me and the only way to do that is not be around it. That may mean I see the people in my life who are free to judge and hand out the standards a little less and just be happy with who I am. I know easier said then done but as you can see I have my "Super Mom" cape on and I'm going to make a go at it. As another friend of mine said you have not "accepted" this hand that was dealt to you but you are coping. And that my friends is the best I can do :).
Standards, Do you let them effect you? Do you have that person in your life who feels the need to tear you down because they believe it is for a better good?
When is Good enough? When is it to cut ties with people who are not there to support and lift us up?