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Monday, February 28, 2011

Party Snacks (Pizza, Poppers & S'Mores)

The Oscar's were this weekend so I had to bust out some yummy treats to share with my friends!

I found this amazing pizza on How Sweat Eats and tweaked it a bit. I did use my own flat bread recipe but for the life of me can't find what recipe I used so I added in the recipe she gave.

Grilled Chicken, Bacon & Spinach Flatbread Pizza

Pizza, Spinach, Turkey Bacon, Flat Bread

See Grilled Chicken, Bacon & Spinach Flatbread Pizza on Key Ingredient.

Next on the list was a Pizza Pinwheel. The recipe called for pizza dough so I made one from my favorite flour website King Arthur and next is the recipe I found on One Crazy Cookie (one of my favorite ladies).

Pizza Pinwheels (with Homemade Pizza Dough)

Pizza, Dough, Turkey Pepperoni

See Pizza Pinwheels (with Homemade Pizza Dough) on Key Ingredient.

Next on our list is Bacon Wrapped Lil Smokies Jalapeño Peppers the original recipe didn't have lil smokies and I added them in :). These were so yummy and not burn your mouth hot.

Bacon Wrapped Lil Smokies Jalapeno Poppers

jalapeno peppers, turkey bacon, lil smokies

See Bacon Wrapped Lil Smokies Jalapeno Poppers on Key Ingredient.

And we end with the recipe that was given 5 stars (she said if there was 6 stars she would have given it that). Talk about yummy, so good I left it at her house :) so I wouldn't eat them all. I found this recipe on Lick the Bowl Good (yup you got to love that name).

S'More Love

desert, s'mores, chocolate

See S'More Love on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday, hope you find one you love.

Manic Monday Meals ~ 2 Treats for Humans & 2 Treats for Dog Children

It's a banana day here .... well except one recipe :). We love banana's here and I'm always trying to use them in different recipes. Here are a few I came across and loved, well the one's we ate the puppy loved his treats as always.


I found this one on, skipped the whipped cream since I never have this on hand. Remember to bake your pie crust before putting it all together ... YES I'm not perfect and forgot to do that, scooped it all out and let's just say it wasn't pretty :).

Old Fashioned Banana Cream Pie

Pie, Banana, Cream, Dessert

See Old Fashioned Banana Cream Pie on Key Ingredient.

Next on the list was some yummy cupcakes with frosting! I found this recipe on but didn't have all the ingredients for the frosting so I used the recipe from and tada I'm done :).

Banana-Sour Cream Cake with Brown Sugar Cream Frosting

Cupcake, Sour Cream, Cream Cheese, Frosting, Dessert

See Banana-Sour Cream Cake with Brown Sugar Cream Frosting on Key Ingredient.

Now for some more left over banana's I turn to dog biscuits for the puppy. I know he is spoiled homemade dog biscuits and a new flavor each time :). What can I say it's easy to do and I'm cheap :). I found these on Doggy Dessert Chef she has the coolest cookie cutters this one she did in the shape of a squirrel. I looked and couldn't find a squirrel in my 101 cookie box (I know you would think with all those it would have one but no) so I turned to my dog bone cutter :).

Honey Banana Dog Biscuits

Dog Biscuit, Dog Treat, Honey, Banana

See Honey Banana Dog Biscuits on Key Ingredient.

Next on the dog biscuit list was a great recipe from Pet Sugar these turned out great the dough needed a little extra flour but it was easy to work with and made a large batch that will probably last us a week in an air tight container. It would probably last longer but he sure does love them :).

Homemade Vegan Dog Treat

Dog biscuits, Vegan, Peanut Butter, Whole Wheat Flour

See Homemade Vegan Dog Treat on Key Ingredient.

Happy Monday everyone, tons to do today hope to see you around and you find something you like!

Friday, February 25, 2011

High Standards

High standards by my parents have given me the drive to be who I am at work and in life. I was always good in school and strive to get high grades and enjoyed school. I've taken this threw me to go onto jobs.

When do high standards for you stop and when do they stop for when you put them on others?

Do we always expect other's to stand up? What if they don't?

Along with excelling in so many fields the one thing that has always been a trouble is my weight. This is nothing I hide you know I talk about how hard it is for me to loose weight. I've done it several times and after having Caden this last time it has become harder then ever. I know it I'm working hard to change our diet and do better at other things to help. Believe me it's not something I am not aware of. So when you have someone in your life who believes that every time they see you they need to comment on this one short fall it can really get to you!

Why is that we think we are giving critic but it is actually more destructive then helpful? Tough love is not making a comment each time to a person we are worried about. Maybe we need to change our standards to helping the person instead of putting them down. Would that be a better plan to build up then tare down? Just imagine what we could do by helping others.

A dear friend told me the other day that she has seen what the critics has made me the mom I am that goes over and sometimes beyond to give the boys all the fun times and activities I can squeeze in. She is very right :)

So what do we do? I choose to keep on the course I am going to become a better all rounded (yes that is a pun) me. Not let the negativity effect me and the only way to do that is not be around it. That may mean I see the people in my life who are free to judge and hand out the standards a little less and just be happy with who I am. I know easier said then done but as you can see I have my "Super Mom" cape on and I'm going to make a go at it. As another friend of mine said you have not "accepted" this hand that was dealt to you but you are coping. And that my friends is the best I can do :).

Standards, Do you let them effect you? Do you have that person in your life who feels the need to tear you down because they believe it is for a better good?

When is Good enough? When is it to cut ties with people who are not there to support and lift us up?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

We interrupt your daily sch with SNOW and NO School!

I have sick boys (yes all 3) and now it snowed so no school! I think I may loose my mind today! So I'm sorry my dears no Must Watch Thursday, BUT don't leave me so early since the Oscars are on Sunday I figured I would share some yummy recipes you can take! Hope you have a warm day!

I found this recipe on Allrecipes, I tweaked it a bit using turkey bacon & turkey smokies (which I didn't know they made until now). I think Cole ate almost the whole batch and no one had a chance to eat one ... lol. Next time I'll make a double batch.


Brown Sugar Smokies

Turkey Bacon, Turkey Smokies, Brown Sugar, Finger Food, Snack

See Brown Sugar Smokies on Key Ingredient.

Next on the list was Pizza Puffs I found on Cottage Sisters and tweaked it a bit. These were very yummy but if your going to take to a party like I did they did get a little cool by the time I got there.

Pizza Puffs

Turkey Pepperoni, Pizza, Snack

See Pizza Puffs on Key Ingredient.

And we must end with a yummy dessert and low fat :)

Lowfat Butterscotch Fudge Banana Pie

dessert, pudding, banana, pie, low fat

See Lowfat Butterscotch Fudge Banana Pie on Key Ingredient.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Projects & Dad's Birthday

It was a fun weekend with projects galore. Monday was a holiday and my daycare lady was on vacation. My amazing friend Amy actually came over and took the boys to the McD's playland for 2 hours! I will be forever grateful to her for helping me out. Always fun around here :)
Handyman Rick ripped up carpet & put new floor down
Even had to pull up again to level our floor!
Puppy Jake found mom's church shoes :(
Cole & Caden made gifts for my dad's birthday
I whipped up the dough & the boys did the rest
(Recipe Below)
Remember to click on recipe to see how to do it!

Hand & Feet Keepsake

keepsake, dough

See Hand & Feet Keepsake on Key Ingredient.

A little play time down at my parents water front.
They drain the lake in the winter
Great for projects for Rick & My dad to do then.
Except see this dock, my dad fell off it this week.
I just found it he BROKE his leg :( Please pray for a speedy recovery!

Monday, February 21, 2011

More Spinach & Turkey are the KEY words here!

Can you believe it's Tuesday? I didn't even have a moment to breath today I hope will be a better day. Lately I've been on a turkey and/or spinach kick at the house and here are a few recipes I have been playing around with. All 3 were a huge hit with all the boys at the house. Hope you find one or all that you enjoy!
I was looking for spinach and egg breakfast for the boys and came across this recipe on Taste of Home, a few tweaks and this is what I came up with.
CLICK the recipe button to see what is in it!

Spinach Bacon & Hashbrown Quiche

Quiche, Turkey Bacon, Spinach, Eggs, Breakfast

See Spinach Bacon & Hashbrown Quiche on Key Ingredient.

I'm on a ground turkey kick so bare with me :). 2nd on my list is a yummy turkey and broccoli almost done up like a jelly roll! I like to include the greens in where I can :). I found this recipe on Group Recipe and only tweaked using fresh broccoli.

CLICK the recipe button to see what is in it!

Turkey & Broccoli Meatloaf Roll

Meatloaf, Ground Turkey, Broccoli

See Turkey & Broccoli Meatloaf Roll on Key Ingredient.

I found this amazing recipe at A New Fit with a spinach twist yet another hit with the boys!
CLICK the recipe button to see what is in it!

Turkey Spinach Roll

Ground Turkey, Spinach, Dinner, Spaghetti Sauce, Garlic

See Turkey Spinach Roll on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone Thank you again for stopping by!

Manic Monday Meals ~ For the Love of Ground Turkey

I love putting veggies in our meals and the boys actually love broccoli & spinach and these recipes were amazing :).

I found this yummy and so beautiful recipe on For the love of Cooking. This was a HUGE hit all 12 muffin meatloaves were gone before I could put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher. The boys both had 3 helpings and Rick was popping meatloaves in his mouth like candy. I will be making this one again!

Remember to click the recipe button to see the recipe.

Turkey Meatloaf Muffins topped with Spinach and Mashed Potatoes

Meatloaf, Spinach, Mashed Potatoes, Ground Turkey

See Turkey Meatloaf Muffins topped with Spinach and Mashed Potatoes on Key Ingredient.

The next on our ground turkey list with a super yummy! This one didn't even make it to next day for seconds. I found this one on Park Avenue, tweeked it a bit and this is what I came up with. The recipe called for Alfredo Sauce & Pizza Dough I made my own (Click the name for the recipes I used).
Remember to click the recipe button to see the recipe.

Upside Down Broccoli Pizza

Ground Turkey, Turkey, Alfredo Sauce, Broccoli, Pizza Dough

See Upside Down Broccoli Pizza on Key Ingredient.

What to do with left over Pizza Dough why you make Chocolate Calzone's!
Remember to click the recipe button to see the recipe.

Chocolate Calzone (w/ Left Over Pizza Dough)

Chocolate, Pizza Dough

See Chocolate Calzone (w/ Left Over Pizza Dough) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday, hope you find something you may like to make!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Roundabout Cupcake Sleeve Review

As most of you know I'm a nut about themes. I love to throw theme kids parties, heck if I could do it I would do an adult one (note to self need more friends). So let's just say when I saw a review on cupcake sleeves by Roundabouts I just had to see if I could test them out! They have some of the coolest designs I have ever come across!

As most of you know I'm a HUGE Beatles fan.
I so want to do this for my dad!
Oh yes and for next Christmas
I've seen the popcorn one done on a few blogs and LOVED that look, I will have to do that one for our next movie night at the school! I ended up doing the gumball machine one, that the kids just loved! We ended up taking them to a super bowl party and they were the talk of the night. Even one of our family members made it for her daughters birthday party!

The sleeves are inexpensive, easy to put on and will make a boring cupcake to a whole new level yes the WOW factor you want at a party or any event. I am one of those people who love's taking a treat to someone house. The best is when you walk in with something that nobody has seen before or are just amazed at them. It makes you feel a little special plus the host of the event too.

BUY: Head over to Roundabout Sleeves to check out all the different styles they have to over. I promise you may be there awhile trying to figure out the best one to pick. For $8.99 you get 12 sleeves (Less then 75 cents a cupcake) and you can be the talk of the party ... In a good way :).

Check out me and Cole making our Gumball Machines:
What you get:
Thank you again to Roundabouts for this awesome product, I will be back for a few parties we have coming up!

Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

For those who want to know the recipe I used for the cupcakes:

Condensed Milk Cupcake

See Condensed Milk Cupcake on Key Ingredient.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It's late I just got home from cleaning the school and I'm pooped (which I used this expression with Cole who thought I had an accident in my pants ... lol). So today's Thursday Must Watch is put on hold, this mama is hit the sac early!

I wanted to just share a blessing that happened to me last week. You know when things happen and you just have to thank your God (or some thank their lucky stars - whatever we believe in). Last week I had one of those moments I just knew that I was sent a poke and better just know that I was blessed.

You all know Rick was out of work for 3 months which meant some bills were higher priority (you know the mortgage ... lol). Well Rick's car was one I sent some money on but not the whole Bill. Well 3 months of doing this made the car company upset, I called and had the MOST disgusting woman I've ever had the non pleasure to talk to! Only told me to figure it out there is nothing they can do for me. So I did what I could pay a little each month. So they then placed phone war on me and would call my house and cell with sometimes 15 calls a day! Trying to talk to them again with working with me still was getting me to bang my head against a wall! Finally I got to the point of turning the ringer off and then DISH has a great function that the caller ID will pop up on the screen of your TV.

So fast forward to this week, I saw the Caller ID pop up on the TV and it said my name & home #, the oddest thing thinking ok it may be Rick I picked up the call. I must admit when she identified herself from the car company I almost hung up but something told me to stay on the line. And like the Grace of God I found the most amazing lady on the other end who was willing to work with me. She let me pay a little and put the extra at the end of my account. Now of course the money I had to pay did put us in a bind (and the my account sadly is in the red until Friday payday) but it was handled. Then the blessing she told me that night they actually had us up for repo ... YUP even though I had been making payments and trying to catch back up they were going to take the car! So my blessing came in the form of a Caller ID mix up and a Sweet lady who I will always be grateful for being nice and working with me!

I've learned that blessings happen and I must stop be thankful and acknowledge them! Now the bank may be a little angry at me but thankfully that is just for a few days, and being down a car would be even worse. Yup seeing the good & bad I must do!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another fun Weekend but lot's of time for mom too!

This was a fun weekend and I actually had some great adult time while the boys played. It was a very busy but fun for mom weekend.
After I finished work I ran the boys to the Lowe's kid clinic to make music boxes!
Off to a playdate with Rachael. It was a nice chat day with some YUMMY coffee and checking out all of her amazing and beautiful hand spun wool. She is just amazing and so talented, maybe when my life slows down I'll take on some of her hobbies, right now I may bust if I take on another thing. (Sorry Rachael it's late and I just noticed I spelled your name wrong on my photo below).
Sunday I invited myself and the family over to my besties house (we've known each other over 25 years I can do that ... lol). I'm so not a BIG new music person which anyone in this room could tell you as we watched the Grammies and I kept saying who is that? But I do love to see the fashion. Now for the Oscars (I promised I'd bring more food ... see if you invite yourself over you must bring food ... hehe). Rick actually was next door at my parents house and came over to hang out ... it was so nice to have him with us. He never gets to come to any party, the kids loved to beat up on him.
Valentine's day! Rick had Cole bring me these beautiful roses and then we even were able to get a babysitter!! We headed to Outback for dinner, it was so good and I'm not use to greesy food but it was so yummy. THEN we went to Cole's school to clean. NOTE to self next year say no thank you to cleaning on any holiday week. The floors were so messy with sprinkles and candy. We finally finished after 11PM!! Yup I had to clean toilets after having a romantic dinner. It's one thing cleaning pee of your own kids ... yup not something I look forward to! Then Rick watched the boys so I could go get my toes done!!
And Cole wanted to show off his art work from this weekend. I'm very proud how he has become so focused and takes his time making the pictures.
Yeah it's Wednesday almost time for the weekend and we'll be back to the work week before we know it!

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