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Thursday, April 2, 2009

FFFF #20: The 20s


Yet again my entry is late, but really it's been way busy around here. When it rains it pours, on a sad side note Rick's Company Gottshalks that declared Bankruptcy in February with the hopes of being bought out sold to a liquidator, meaning he will no longer have a job soon :( .... Yup freaked, so sorry girls if I'm distant for a few days I'm searching for jobs for him. I really appreciate all your comments, and I promise to email back and come by your site in the next few days! Loves!

Now onto my entry ... Yup trying to stay cheery! So with out further ado her is what Diana gave us as a challenge, really she tells me this is suppose to be fun but man these last few weeks I've been having to crawl in attics and very unorganized closets to find pictures and then scan them! Yes that's me whining deal with it!

The My Former Years photo series concludes this week. The final theme is Your
20s. Please post at least one photo of you in your 20s. Only 1 pic needed! Dust
off the scanner photos and participate! (Although there are probably several
people out there who are young enough to NOT have to scan in pics!) Once you've
posted your pic(s), come back here and fill out the Mr. Linky with the direct
URL to your post.

I know I'm silly on the way to Canada.
Yes you could drink there before being 21, I was bad back then.
A visit to Winlock to visit a friend I met in HS at Business Week
I must have loved the jean jacket.
Me and Laurie in Winlock
Ask the boys I still have this look!
Yup I'm way silly even now!
Don't you just love the Platinum hair?
Wish I could pull that off now.
Rick and I on a date.
The 1st time I've met his mom
(I've met her 2 times, long story for another day)
Rick and I first Christmas Card.
My old boss is a photographer
My wedding Day.
I LOVE this lounge, I tried to take it with me.
Wedding Day down at my parents waterfront
We got married in my parents backyard in their grape harbor.
Rick & I cutting the cake
Leaving after the wedding
Nice shot of dad's barn
Honeymoon in Miami
Rick, me and Cole


  1. You are photogenic!!! And cute.

    So sorry to hear about your husbands job. Praying for your family. Love you!!!!

  2. Great photo's, makes me want to be young again!

    Sorry to hear about Hubby's job, I will keep that in my prayers!

  3. OH I hope your man finds a job soon, that sucks!

    Lovely photos, you made a beautiful bride!

  4. What a beautiful bride you were! I love the one of you on the chaise chair. Georgeous!

  5. Just think of it as early for tomorrow!
    Sorry to hear about the job.....I'm hoping that he finds something soon.
    Love the wedding look beautiful....I can just see you trying to figure out how to carry that thing out the door.........!!!........

  6. What a poser you are. I am sorry to hear about the job. I know he will find another one. I will miss you. Have a great day.

  7. You are a gorgeous bride!

    I love all of your photos!

    {{{Sending you lots of good luck wishes and tons of big hugs}}} You know I'm here for you:) Anytime you need me....

  8. First I'm so sorry to hear about Rick's impending job loss...I hope everything works out and that he finds an even better job! You guys will be in my prayers!

    And second, I love the pics...especially the ones of you in your wedding dress, you look so beautiful!

    Hugs and prayers!

  9. Dang it... I am so sorry to hear that news .... its like DAILY that I hear someone loosing their job!.... sigh... stay positive!!!

    And LOVE those pictures! Yes - you couldnt LIVE without a jean jacket in those days!!!

    And you were such a beautiful bride!!!

  10. Man, I am sorry to hear about his job too! I will keep you two in my thoughts...sending some good'E' vibrations your way...

    I am crazy about you, and you are a hottie beautiful in that dress, and I do not blame you...I would have found a way to sneak that lounge out too!

    For a good laugh go here...Rico, his food is good, but his sense of humor matches ours girl!

  11. Now you know I'm a wedding nut. Love the wedding pics and the other ones two. Looks like your youth agreed with you.

  12. You arr a beautiful bride love all the picures :)
    Sorry to hear about the job, sending prayers your way hope everything works out!

  13. I am sorry about your hubby's job!! I hope he can find a new one SOON!

    Great pics...GORGEOUS wedding photos. You looked so beautiful!!!!

    OK...FFFF in April is going to be EZ~~~ I promise! You might even post before's so easy!

  14. Oh I hope everything goes good. I might have an idea for a job for your hubs if he interested. :D E mail me back and I will let you know more about it. :D

    PS I love your pictures.

  15. Your smile is contagious! And wow, you were a beautiful bride. That neckline looks particularly beautiful on you.

  16. I am so sorry to hear about Rick's job. Just remember when one door closes, another opens!

    I love your pictures! The one in the lounge is my very favorite!

  17. I'm sorry that your husband lost his job. I hope another one opens up for him soon.
    Those are some beautiful wedding photos. My grandparents have a lounge just like that in their sitting room. :)

  18. Hope your hubby finds an even better job soon...

    BEAUTIFUL pictures! Love all the wedding shots...breathtaking! :)

  19. seriously... love em' all though you are a GORGEOUS bride! so lovely!

    p.s. back in jan my hubby lost his job b/c the company was going under... but within 2.5 weeks he had 2 great job offers.. both better than the other jobs pay and time wise! don't despair, it'll all work out and i'll be thinking of ya'll!!

  20. Love all the pics and you made a gorgeous bride! =)


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