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Monday, April 6, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Dino shaped PB&J

Make Something MondayToday I bring you the dino shaped PB&J sandwich. Cole was really big into PB&J for about 3 months, we now have moved onto speghetti O's. Thanks to the wonderful staff at his school they allow me to pack stuff they can heat up. Back to my dish of the day ... LOL not really a dish but heck it's still cute! So with homemade bread we make this very yummy PB&J, enjoy :).

Start with home baked bread.
This was a very yummy one made with a little molasses!
Cut off a slice of bread
Get the dino cutter out and place on the bread.
Aren't they cute dinos :)
Jif for the choose moms.
Or the mom that buys what is one sale :)
Strawberry Jam, thank you Costco.
Butter the PB side.
Put Jelly on the other side.
Then because you're taking pictures you don't flip the dino right, so you have to transfer to the PB side!
See my Jelly boobo! LOL
Yup made the sandwich holder sticky!
Lunch ready!!


  1. Sad to admit... I've never had a PB&J sandwich... I know... its true!

  2. I think this very well be the cutest sandwhich I have ever seen. My son would flip over something like this.

    Great tip to get my week started. Thank you!


  3. Nothin' like good ol' fashioned PB&J...yum :)

  4. Wow, I'm actually use your bread maker. LOL, mine is more like a kitchen ornament.

    Cute sandwich.

  5. seriously... homemade bread... can i come be your way older child!! hehe!!

  6. OMG!!! i just read what rebecca jo commented...... never had a PB & J ..... sad!!

  7. sorry.. back again! just saw your last post and thanks for the shout out... and isn't the pureket amaaaaaazing, i lurve it!

  8. Hubby still loves, it and I thought about getting him that cutter :), and surprise him with the shapes in his lunch! I got burned out with kids eating it every day of the week! Like wanting pancakes...

  9. Very ingenius, I must say! Now, I have girls, so we can't do the dino thing. My oldest absolutely HATES PB...she can't even stand to smell it. And I have a bread machine, but I have only used it sad is that? *Sigh* but a lovely post my dear, to say the least :)

  10. Alright first the thought of you making your own bread to make a PB&J is beyond lost on me...I could never do that and I find it amazing that you do!

    Second I LOVE PB&J it has become my new go to lunch...why? Because I'm too busy to make anything else and because it is too yummy not to!

    And three...Cole is super lucky to have you as his mom never cut my sandwiches into any kind of shape...I'm kinda jealous...and I better not let my kiddos see this because then I would have some serious explaining to do!


  11. I never knew a PB&J could look sooo good! I think it has something to do with the homemade bread!!! YUM!

  12. HEY Super Mom, what the heck the Dino Bite Sammie is my go to dish.. he he..

    I want you to get your but over to my blog today. I've got JUST the giveaway for YOU... not just for the $25 Macy's card..BUT because you BELONG in this giveaway.. come see!

  13. Holy cow! Your kids get homemade bread pb&j. I totally ripped my kids off.

  14. You Rock Alexis! Glad to see you in there making your own to get you to get rid of that machine and do it by hand...(What? you don't have enough to do already?...come on you know you want to learn to knit...)
    Next time make the sandwich THEN cut it :) and where do I get me those cutters anyway?

  15. Little tools like that are so fun! I bet your little guys love them! :-)

    By the way-I made a little boo boo with my Make Something Monday, too. We must be thinking alike...or not thinking...LOL! ;-)

  16. Love it. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I am doing a Round Robin on Friday April 10th. If you want to come by and share you ideas. That would be great.

  17. I want that sandwich cutter! That is flippin cool!

  18. That is awesome that the school will heat up spaghettiOs for him. Such a cute sandwich. I've seen those cookie cutters in the store before and wondered why they were so strange looking. I just didn't know it cut 2 at a time! LOL!


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