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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday - Pampered Chef's Taco Ring

One of my best blogger friends Debra @ Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History told me about this amazing recipe. The boys love taco's and you know me and my casserole and wrap themes. Rick actually asked me when I would stop with the casseroles ... LOL I told him when he comes home to do the dinners. Yup casseroles live on!!!!

This one was real easy and super yummy now the ones on the Internet of course were all fancy and done up with a salad and carved out pepper in the center. In my house I go for easy and quick and yummy! So I added the onions and black olives in the inside, to make it an all in one wrap. Then added Salsa and Sour Cream to the finished products, it was all gone by the time the boys got done. You'll have to try this one and let me know what you think!

All you need:

Add Taco Seasoning to the browned meat
Add the water so you don't have chunks of seasoning

Fan out the crescent rolls

Yup not pretty but it worked!

Add the ground beef

Again not pretty come on what do you expect from me?

Add the Cheese

Come on you know the theme by now!

Here is where I added the onions and black olives

Fold over the edges

Out of the oven!

2 can Refrigerated crescent rolls
1 lb Ground meat or turkey
1 pk Taco seasoning mix according
1/2 Head lettuce
1 Tomato cubed
1/2 Onion or 3 or 4 green onions
1 c Sour cream
8 oz Cheddar cheese
1/2 c Black olives; sliced
1 Bell pepper; (sits flat)
1 c Mild salsa

Cook meat, drain, add taco seasoning and cook until liquid is absorbed. Add cheese. Arrange crescent rolls on a flat baking stone in a circle with bases overlapping in center and points to the outside - (unroll the crescent rolls and place the pointed triangle part on the stone overlapping each one) Spoon meat around in a circle and pull the square part of the crescent rolls over the meat, sealing it to look like a wreath. Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Cut lettuce with garnisher and use v-shaped cutter to cut pepper. Chop onion and tomato with food chopper. Slice olives with egg slicer. Fill pepper with salsa and place in the center of the taco ring. Put lettuce around the pepper and arrange tomatoes, onions and olives on top. Add sour cream if you like. Cut with pizza cutter and serve with mini serving spatula.


  1. Wow looks so yummy! I love pampered chef!!! I will have to try this one!

  2. I think I could do that. Can I use a pizza pan? Have a great Tuesday my friend. I got my coupon yesterday :)

  3. Oh that is cool! Taco's sound good right now, and it is barely after breakfast time!

  4. This sounds great! I think my family would love this one.

  5. Wow! this looks fun and as always way yummy!

  6. Ok, I just left a comment, and it didn't work, ugh.

    Anyways, this is a really neat recipe, I love it!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. I LOVE this recipe! With it just being John and me at home, though, I don't make it that often. :(

    I got my coupon for Pure Sea yesterday. After this past weekend, I will definitely be getting some!!!

    Hope you have a GREAT day!

  8. That does look super yummy! TFS

  9. Pampered Chef receipies, so quick, so easy and you usually have all the ingredients in the house. I love their receipies and they taste like a million dollars.

  10. Looks delicious!

    Rick sounds like Rich! Rich doesn't usually say too much, but he has mentioned a couple times how he didn't grow up having casseroles all the time-LOL!

  11. Wow! This looks like fun! I'm impressed with your skillz! :)

  12. Stop it! You evil Biscuit toting woman, you! I just had my physical yesterday and I've put on 17# in one year!! Most if it in more recent months, which I will blame on you and your YUMMY recipes. LOL! No really...I am changing my eats, so I have to pass on this recipe!!!

  13. My family would love this! I am severely lacking in the meal planning motivation department....thanks for the idea!

  14. That does look yummy. Before you baked it it looked like some weird craft project. ha ha ha

  15. I am on a diet, ya know? And this is not doing anything for my high cholesterol, I can feel it climbing higher just 'looking' at that scrumtious food! :D

  16. For some reason this recipe has become our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. I don't know why, but now if I suggest something else, the kids won't hear of it.

  17. How did the boys like it? This is one of my favorite dishes! Thanks for the shout out. Love you!

  18. That's looking all fancy smancy girl! YUM!

    Now why do you have real handcuffs in your house is what I what to know:)

  19. I am a pampered chef freak too LOL! Half my recipes posted are all on their stuff...LOL my last two recipes are from my recent party!

  20. Oh, my son's favorite meal is the original taco ring!


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