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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Purseket "The Original Purse Organizer" Giveaway!!! (2 winners)

Ok girls I'm so excited about this giveaway, I've talked none stop about it when I found out I was going to be able to try this amazing invention out. I think the girls at work were almost as excited as me when it came so one I would shut up (like that could happen) and two they were just as excited to see it in real life. So you must check this out! I have 2 Pursekets to give away, the 1st place winner will get a Small Red Purseket and the 2nd place winner will get a Drop In Black Check.

First let me tell you a little about this amazing product and a shout out to my friend Randi at BEAUTY BE GOOD first off she rocks and if you ever need to know about any new product make up or just beauty stuff she has the goods on it. A few weeks ago she had the Purseket featured on her blog I thought it was was the coolest item so of course I had to go over to the site and check it out. Being the shy person I am (NOT) I got in touch with the Purseket people and asked to do a review. To my overjoy they not only agreed to a review but a giveaway! Now the Purseket fits right into your purse it organizes everything for you and the best part is when you change your purse it pulls right out and you slip it into the next purse. Yes I'm a crazy person and change my purse with every season!

And talk about affordable! We all need a little help in our life and to have something that is this helpful and inexpensive is the best. The price range from $22 for a large to $16 for the drop in, I know isn't that great!! So girls you're in for a treat today is the famous purse dump! Yup you know I'm crazy like that I will show my crazy overstuffed purse and how I cleaned it out and organized it with my new Medium Panther Purseket.

Giveaway Rules!
First Entry (MUST be done before Additional) ~ Go to Purseket website and tell me another size and color you like. It's so easy!

Additional Entries
~1 extra for being a follower (new or old it all counts)
~2 extra for having my button (on the side bar)
~1 extra tell me a funny purse dump or purse story
~3 extra entries or put on your blog roll (yes my dear friend that puts it on your side bar that counts)

10 ways to get an entry!
Giveaway goes until Sunday April 12th @ 11:59pm PST
Open to US Residents

1st Place Winner - Small Red Purseket

2nd Place Winner - Drop In Black Check
So as their motto goes "Put it in a Purseket, and dig no more"
Isn't the cute!
Part of the instructions I got was dump out your purse .. they had no clue what that would be like for this mom ... LOL
Ok so here it is ladies my purse dump!

Is that really my purse?
Ok Let's Dive In!
Really did I need all those receipts?
Yes I've become my grandmother and steal splenda from restaurants.
Oh you noticed the can of Guinness (really it's for a bread recipe)
Stop shaking your head really it is!!
The needs!
More fun stuff, you got to have a book at all times.
Really that is a lot of shred stuff!
Coupons, Recipes and more crap!
Look at how many recipes I care in my purse.
I print them and swear I'm going to make them.
Clean Purse!!!
Now Bring on the Organizer
Fold the Purseket into your bag
Can you believe this is the same purse?
I know now I don't want to fill it up again.
Oh stop laughing you know I'll put more in it later today.
BUT check it out I have a Purseket now and it will be a clean purse!!


  1. I need one of those. Seriously.

    I like the med. cranberry.

  2. You know I'm already a follower. ;0)

  3. My purse is almost as bad as yours, but I think you've got me beat. But you did see my purse dump a few months ago, right? :0P I had more in there than most non-moms need to have. lol

  4. I like the Medium Pink Multi Dot Purseket.
    P.S. I totally thought you were having a percocet giveaway...

  5. I love the Medium Brown/Blue Dot Purseket. My purse often doubles as a diaper bag for quick outings and this is perfect!

  6. You crack me up, and should we all be going 'Grrrrrr' right now over your style choice, lol

    Did you see the gigantic bag I posted on my cooking class blog? That Godzilla of a Liz Claiborne will have so much crap in it by the third week of school, hubby will have to dive in after me!

  7. Cool giveaway! I like :) Medium Black/White Dot Purseket

  8. I have your button :) on sidebar :) and link on the blogroll!

  9. This is such a great giveaway! I am liking the Medium Pink Purses Purseket.

  10. Girl your purse looks just like mine...actually mine is probably a lil worse than that!

    And I like the large in black and white polka dots because my purse is huge!

  11. I like the small green sea bubble purseket. :) I'm a follower, I have your button, AND you're on my sidebar. Best purse story I have: Living in Vegas I would acquire some strange things. There are those little men who "flap" cards with naked women on them at you all along the strip. One day when I was walking with my friend, he was grabbing while we were walking along (I didn't notice), and then later he put them in my purse. I found them, but never wound up taking them out, I kept forgetting. One of my other friends and I were driving around and they wanted chapstick so I told them to look in my purse in the little pocket. They were like, "Um, Lauren, why do you have nudie women in your purse?" LOL! Whoops!

  12. Oh, and PS... I steal Splenda packets too. And wet wipes from rib joints. ;)

  13. I just saw that the other day on Randi's blog! Yeah, I WANT ONE!

    Anyone that reads my blog, has seen my purse and knows that it's big. No little Purseket for me. I would definitely need the LARGE Purseket (black & white check please).

    Let's see, what else... I started following you last night after reading that great interview over on Angela's blog.

    Mmmmm... I grabbed you button. And that was even before I knew about this great giveaway (any extra points for that?)

  14. Here's a (kind of purse) story for you. Not sure if it counts... This happened to me just the other day. On April Fool's day, no joke.

    As I told you, my purse is big. I was at the grocery store and had my purse in the front of the cart. A carton of eggs was right next to it. While shopping, I grabbed my purse to fling it over my shoulder and the eggs went flying. Eighteen eggs smashed all over the place.

    Have you ever seen eighteen raw eggs smashed... all at once... all over the floor? It's a mess. It was also embarrassing!

  15. I am a follower so count me in for sure.

  16. I do not think I have seen someone with so much stuff in their purse.

    Since having a child I find pretty interesting things in my purse at times. Right now I have small pair of socks in there. Yup that is my story and I am saying What?

  17. I like the Medium pink multi Dot Purseket.

  18. Going to grab your button. YOu are the best poser I know. Does that get an extra entry?
    Have a great weekend. Going to add everything to my blog.

  19. ok when I was young I went around a corner really fast and my car door FLEW open and my purse exploded in the intersection. Crap was everywhere!
    Horrible and funny!

  20. I looked around and I really like this one
    Small Black Purses Purseket
    CODE: 009-S

    Price: $18.00

  21. You my dear are already on my side bar.

  22. I better win this time! I am so exhausted of being a loser:(

    I love the black and white poka dots and I would like medium:)

  23. When I was little and we would take my cat to the vet, the only way she would let the vet examine her is from inside my mom's purse. She would be so scared she would crawl in there and not budge out!

  24. Ok, I need one of those. I would choose the medium panther pattern. Too cute!

  25. I'd like a med/black one please :)

  26. you know I stalk you and I love it ;)

  27. I love the Green Sea Bubbles in Medium!

  28. I can't believe that I don't have your button up!! WHAT!! I thought I did! Ok.. going to put it up now!

  29. thnax for the shoutout!! isn't the purseket amazing!!

  30. How very neat. I like the Small Panther Purseket as well. Thanks

  31. If I had my camera with me, I'd take a pic of the inside of my purse right now - EEK!!!

    Fav - the medium brown/blue dot purseket!!

  32. Funny story - how 'bout the time Baby Chicklet gets my purse to bring it across the local bounce house and DROPS it and tampons roll across the floor. Nice.

  33. How did I miss this?! Dang the blogger updater! good for nothin... Anyshway, Love it! I love the multi polkadot! super cute. ya know I am already a follower also.

  34. You are on my blog roll & posted about your giveaway!

  35. I would like the black and white medium polka dot.

  36. I am a follower...but hopefully you know that LOL.

    I got your button and have you on my blog list.......cause I love ya that much!!!

  37. coming back to do this right! lol. I have your button!

  38. And of course I have your fab blog on my blogroll!

  39. I love the Medium Pink Multi Dot Purseket! So cute!

  40. Funny story..well every morning before I leave for work I go feed my kitties their breakfast in their kittie room.

    Just the other day, I bent over to get their food out and the entire contents of my purse fell out into the litter box!

    Eeeeeewwwww! See? I really really need this!

  41. Okay, I posted your button. (I hope! I'm at work so I my side bar doesn't show up so I will have to check it when I get home to make sure!)

  42. Okie dokie! here to claim my second entry for the button, which I wear with pride! Thanks girly!

  43. oooooo.....Great product! I would guess the medium might be a good size.......I'd say I like either the dots or wavy patterns....
    Count me in!

  44. Hmmm...funny story.......Well, can't think of any funny thing right now......but I will tell you that it is now my habit of carrying around a little bag of trucks and crayons all the time............also m&ms and fruit snacks.......So any bag I would ever consider has to have room for those! And Clean and Go wipes too! That's what having a little boy has done to me!

  45. I like the black and white dot drop in.

  46. I'm really glad you asked about the follower thing because I thought I was but I wasn't! I am now. (I get confused by this new google follower all the time)

  47. Here is my favorite purse story.
    I like to carry small purses. Really tiny purses. (But I do have a few bigger ones that were gifts that I would love to use this organizer in.) Anyway, my kids had always seen me with my tiny purses. One day I had my youngest with me in a department store when he was 4. We walked through the purse section. They had a table in the middle with some larger, but still "normal" sized purses on it. My son stopped, his mouth fell open, and he said, "Mom, look at the size of those. Do you know how many purses you could fit in one of those?"

  48. And now that I am following you, you will automatically be on my blogroll.

  49. I like the drop in black/white dot or the Small Green Sea Bubbles Purseket! Great idea!!
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  50. Good grief girl, look at all that stuff in your purse!! LOL!! Can't believe you are stealing the Splenda already!! =)
    I'm following now! =)

  51. I have to think of one purse story as I have many. I was running in the airport as I was late for my plane and my purse wasn't zipped and several items went flying out spreading across the floor. This was as people were trying to walk both directions. I can still remember how awkward it felt.

  52. I posed about this giveaway since I am such a poser.

  53. This is such an excellent idea! i really like the thought of getting compartments in your purse and was considering shopping for one thing just like the bag only for the organization facet thus thanks for this alternative!"Nicely given data during this post, I opt to browse this sort of stuff."The handbag organizer appearance nice, one thing I undoubtedly would like for my mess of a bag! assume i am attending to go get myself one currently thus give thanks you!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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