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Monday, April 20, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Pampered Chef Chicken and Broccoli Braid

Make Something Monday
This is super yummy and easy recipe I got once like 10 years ago at a Pampered Chef party. Yup I think I got out of there with some spatula's and wood spoons (the cheapest things I could fine). The funny thing is 10 years later I still have those items and they still work. Go figure! I so would love a few more items, I think I'll check ebay to see if I can find one of those choppers they sale, my girlfriend has one and it rocks! Also my measure spoons got a little close to the stove a melted a little bit ... LOL. Again had them for like 10 years to so I am now falling on sword even those I always complained about going to those parties and feeling oblogated to buy stuff I found out they are actually a really cool company with amazing products. Yes I said it and it's rare you will EVER hear me say I was once wrong, hey it was 10 years ago it won't happen again. Now to see if I can find someone who would like to do a giveaway for Pampered Chef on my site, that would be AWESOME! Ok enough on to my awesome dinner! Recipe at the bottom!

2 Cups of Chicken
I buy canned (oh stop) and then just chop up.Chop Broccoli & Red Pepper I also put in a Green Pepper

I know who knew I could use FRESH veggie :)Mix with Mayo

Add Cheese
Add Dill (this is actually the first time I added, I think I'll skip next time)
Add Salt
Press out Crescent Rolls
I saw they now make square sheets now!
Cut the strips and Pull up the sides
Tie little knots like a pretty braid on top.
Yummy all golden brown out of the oven.

2 cups cooked chicken

1 cup of chopped broccoli

1/2 cup of chopped red bell pepper

1 garlic clove chopped

4 oz. (1 cup) sharp cheddar cheese shredded

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 tsp. all-purpose dill mix

1/4 tsp. salt

2 pkgs. (8oz. each) refrigerated crescent rolls

1 egg white, lightly beaten

2 tbls. slivered almonds

Directions: Preheat oven to 375F. Chop chicken and broccoli using food chopper; place in 2 qt. batter bowl. Chop bell pepper using 5" utility knife; add to batter bowl. Press garlic over vegetable mixture using garlic press. Shred cheese using cheese grater and add to vegetable mixture; mix gently. Add mayonnaise, dill mix, and salt; mix well using scraper. Unroll 1 package of crescent dough; do not separate. Arrange longest sides of dough across width of 12" x 15" rectangle baking stone. Repeat with remaining package of dough. Using roller, roll dough to seal perforations. On longest sides of baking stone, cut dough into strips 1 1/2 inches apart, 3 inches deep using a pizza cutter (there will be 6 inches in the center for the filling). Spread filling evenly over middle of dough. To braid, lift strips of dough across mixture to meet in center, twisting each strip on turn. Continue alternating strips to form a braid. Tuck ends under to seal at end of braid. Brush egg white over dough using pastry brush. Sprinkle with almonds. Bake 25-28 minutes or until deep golden brown.Substitute 1 tsp. dried dill weed for The Pampered Chef Pantry All-Purpose Dill Mix, if desired.
Yield: 10 servings Approximately 410 calories and 27 grams of fat per serving


  1. Looks yummy as always! I think I have to agree Pampered Chet is great though I can never seem to keep anything for that long my children steal my stuff to play restaurant and never finds its way back to the kitchen.

  2. I'm not a cook... but hot dang.. that looks yummy!

  3. Yum Yum that looks great! I Love pampered chef, and yes I own a chopper and it is fantastic!
    I have had my p/chef stuff for years most of it I brought with me when I moved to Alaska.

  4. Oh my gosh! I love that stuff! I have been to a few Pampered Chef parties year and year ago. I think I just went to eat this stuff..hee hee! I did get that chopper though and I never use it. I do use my kitchen shears though, for everything, I love them! :)

  5. You should be a hand model for sure. This looks great. Have a happy Monday. My poser!!!!!!

  6. aaaaarrrrggghhhhh.... why oh why... must you always insist on torturing me every monday morning! hehe.. looks way good... happy monday!

  7. I am a little disappointed that there is no Bisquick, but I love PC recipes!! My MSM is up here with a Mr. Linky!

  8. This looks really good. I make the taco ring that I learned about from Pampered Chef - have for years and it is a family favorite.

  9. Sounds good! I have a recipe swap over at my place. I going to write this recipe down so we can try it!


  10. I bet the guys in your house dived into that dish fast!

    What Monday did you really eat this, know I cannot see these now with out laughing...

  11. This is right up my alley!!!

    So sorry that I did not have the MSM up today. I have been extremely overwhelmed with going back to work and it quite honestly slipped my mind!! I'll be back in the swing of things next Monday!

  12. I bet my daughter would love this I may make it the next time she is down

  13. I love Pampered Chef! I only have couple of their cheaper utensils, but I use them all the time and all their recipes are awesome! I'll have to try this sometime!

  14. This looks YUM-O! Gonna add your button and make this recipe tomorrow for dinner! Thanks!

  15. Tasty! Oh, by the way, I made your ham and cheese pie the other day for dinner and both my parents loved it. I'm definitely keeping that recipe! My mom and I are actually having a Pampered Chef party tomorrow, and I'm totally excited. NEW STUFF! And food. Don't forget food. I'll chat with the rep and see if she would be interested in doing a giveaway maybe. :)

  16. That looks really good!!!


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