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Thursday, April 16, 2009

FFFF # 22: Anything April


It's that time again the day before the deadline and I'm rocking my newest picture for FFFF. The rules for April are my fav since it's anything April.

So here it goes! Today I would like to introduce you to a dear friend. She is one amazing gal that is always there for me. I call on her almost every day right before I leave work I call on her for help. She has never failed me, she always gives me tons of good ideas to help my family live a peaceful life. You see when good food is served everyone is happy. So with out further ado I want you to meet my dear friend. I love to call her Betty and one of her amazing friends also starts with a B and her name is Bisquick! What???? Like you didn't see that one coming? They have to ladies who else can you turn to beside Betty Crocker and Bisquick! Oh stop rolling your eyes @@! Fine but I leave you with my picture!

P.S. Thanks to Diana who host this fun game each week and for the idea to post a picture of me with my Costco sized Bisquick Box.

Yup I'm a poser .... LOL
Poser out :)


  1. That is just cute! the story line leading up to the picture is awesome!

  2. This will tell you how often I DONT cook... I dont think I've ever opened a box of Bisquick in my life!!!... tis true!

    Love the pics!

  3. I don't use bisquick very much, but you definitely make it sound like I should! LOL! I will admit Betty Crocker is my friend, though. My grandma got me the original version of the Betty Crocker cookbook probably 10 years ago now because that is what she used when she learned to cook for grandpa. I use that cookbook anytime I need a basic recipe-it's awesome!

  4. OH I love me some Bisquick!

    You always gotta throw a food pic or mention into these posts, huh? I swear I will gain 5 lbs by the end of this month, just from reading your blog :)

  5. Oh the poser is out in force. Look at you go. You can work a box of Bisquick for sure.

  6. You are too cute girl! I try to look like that, but I look like I am making goof arse faces, and my mouth is open too much, lol

  7. OMG~ You got me!!!! Even though you comment said you took my advice I was surprised. Especially since I am so FULL of advice for you! LOL!! Very SEXY!!!! Love it!!

    Talking about SEXY...wait til you see FFFF tomorrow!!

    Hey...extra entries in my Bug Book giveaway for participating in FFFF! Check it out here!!

    Oh...I put a bunch of pics of transvestites on my blog today. I figured that would peek your interest! LOL!

  8. You are the cutest, sweetest poser ever!


  9. You my dear shall forever be known as The Bisquick Queen not that I have the power to bestow that name upon your or anything but it sounds good to me!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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