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Thursday, April 30, 2009

FFFF # 24: Anything April


Well we're on our last week of the Anything April over at Diana Rambles and I'm going to take this one to show off my winnings. I have been so bad at posting these, I'm very sorry everyone! So I'm sharing them now, and please except my apologizes on the delay. I'm so excited about all of these and especially these amazing little photo books.

Check these out they rock, you have to pick up one or two!

These Rockin Albums are from
And a HUGE shout out to my Girl Amy
Thanks my Poser Girl Amy, I was one lucky girl
and one these amazing treasures!
I can't choose they are all my favs.
The Day at zoo is so Cool, look at all that detail and work!
A different zoo one, cool huh?
And the Pirate one!
ARGH ... rock on huh?
Inside the Pirate one!
Banana Nut Cheerios giveaway!
Thank you Lisa @ Like a Valentine
And I suck I saved all my emails but I've seemed to lost on.
This is a very cool Spa basket.
Family Movie Night Giveaway Package from Briana.
And Check out my new pearl bracelet
Thank you to my dear friend Allie!
She rocks all the giveaways and reviews!
Up Close pic ;)

Well there it is girls, I think I'm all caught up I'm sorry if I've forgot to list a few (just remind me nicely and I'll do list it with an apology). Love ya all! Stay tune tomorrow I have some reviews and a REALLY cool giveaway for Saturday, Rick even was a poser showing it off!


  1. Congrats on winning all that fun stuff! I'm a bit jealous on the movie night win-I LOVE popcorn! LOL! :-)

  2. I love those little albums! So cute :) Congrats on all of your winnings, you lucky duck :)

  3. Looks like some great gifts! I have never won anything until I started blogging, and have gotten a couple gifts now and it makes me so happy!

  4. Those are AMAZING albums! I love them.
    You are a lucky lucky winner!

  5. All right, what's your secret? Do you bribe these people to win all the giveaways? Come on, spill!

  6. You have been very lucky! Small Town Louisiana Girl is my sisiter in law -- I love her scrapbooks. TFS

  7. Look at you girlie! Entering giveaways has it's benefits!! I won a lot several months ago...but now I am too busy working with monkeys to enter. I love the photo books!!! FABULOUS! Thanks for participating!! Here's a hint for tomorrow--> April Showers bring....
    Not that you need a will be Thursday before you enter! LOL!

  8. You are the sweetest ever and thank you for the link glad you like your bracelet! I have a bunch of giveaways coming up so make sure to enter!


  9. I always enjoy reading your blog. Stop by and pick up an award I left you :)

  10. Wow! You have won a lot of loot! You go girl!

  11. Glad you are enjoying the albums!! I enjoyed making them for your little boys.

  12. soooo alex!
    I took a little trip to far far away from blogger land for about a month, so i never got to come back and say THANK YOU for helping me get my friend's buttons to scroll....however i did do a little shout out on my a month ago!

    :) but i'm back!
    and excited about it
    (and hope that i don't need to take another break over the next few weeks until school is over)

    LOVE your blog alex!

  13. You be racking in the goods! Woo hoo.

  14. Look at all that great stuff! Lucky girl! And the pirate book? WANT! lol :) That's a great idea, and I have enough piratey things I could make one for myself. I have a kinda unhealthy obsession with piratey things.

  15. We LOVE those popcorn seasonings! How's the jalapeno one? We haven't had that one yet. Wish I could find the sweet ones (caramel, choc marshmallow) but can't find a store here that sells those ones!
    Awesome wins!


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