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Friday, April 24, 2009

Chocolate Cures All ... Right?

So Today started off great I was early leaving the house, dropped off the boys no hassle and then it happened. Got to Roy's school (yup in the driveway) when he says I need a sack lunch for today. Totally spaced on his field trip today. But hello you little turd you knew about this and you're old enough to remind, you know when we're at home so I can make you one! But no you being the disrespectful little turd what until I'm at your school! So turn around run to Walgreens since it's the closet grab a lunchable (I know this won't fill him up), a water and some chips. So I spend $5+ that I didn't have budgeted because he couldn't be nice and tell me when we were at home! I was fuming and don't think I didn't let him know that he is old enough to help me out and it's his responsibility to help me out. Just as a lovely side note Sunday around 8pm he gave me a slip of paper from school asking for recyclable items they needed Wednesday am! Yup he's been holding onto it for weeks! WTF? Then he passed me a paper for money for a teacher gift I let him know that is his responsibility if he would like to give money to it, that is why you parents gave you money not to spend on junk food like you do! He told me know it's my responsibility, sorry dude it's yours mine if food and board! UGH is it June yet?

So I get to work late and start the pile on my desk when I get a surprise from an engineer he brings me a Gene Juarez Bag! Happy Administrative Assistant day he says, I almost fall off my chair. I mean the bosses already gave me an amazing Gift Card for Costco, what is this. He's such a joker, check out the pictures below to see what I got!

The BIG bag!
What I found inside!
I died laughing, actually fell off my chair.
Hey FREE Chocolate is all good for me!

Sorry quick post busy day, Cole's 5th Birthday party is tomorrow and I'm spinning. I need a new outfit, think I'll stop by Avenue tonight, still need to go to Costco to get the picture of the transformer I had made up with Cole's head on it! I'll show you more tomorrow after the party tomorrow. Loves, Lex


  1. Happy B-day to your little one!!!
    Free chocolate always good in my book!

  2. that guy would be walking funny after I got done with him!

    swing by my blog this weekend/soon for my chocolate giveaway!

  3. Have a great day. Have fun at the party. Your boss is way too funny.

  4. Oh kids... my husband is bad to this day of last minute things... frustrating!!!

    And that's HILARIOUS! Love your new "bag"

    but mmm... Andes.... mmmm

  5. Haha and that's GOOD chocolate too! Funny about the packaging. :)

    No fun about the lunch issue. Hopefully he'll remember in the future to remind you.


  6. Oh happy birthday to him! That was funny -- they could of put a little more int there _LOL.
    Can't wait to see the pictures. TFS

  7. Oh girl, sounds just like my 12 y/o daughter. Not responsible at all and always in LA LA Land. Seriously!

    Love the gift! Too funny :)

  8. That is too funny, but exactly what I could use right now! I have not cooked in a week, and do not feel like lifting a finger either, but could move arm enough for chocolate!

  9. LOL!!
    Can't wait to see the picture! Sounds amazing!!!!

  10. Have fun with the party!

    Happy Birthday Cole! :-)

  11. Well, I'd definitely say that the chocolate was good timing! Too funny..............
    Happy Birthday to Cole......Hope the party is great! Make sure to enjoy it................can't wait to see pics......

  12. The chocolate in the bag - CLASSIC!!

    Happy Birthday, Cole!

  13. The Costco gift was sooo cool,but I like what Laura said about the chocolate bag "He'd definately be limping back out of my office"!
    He gives a new meaning to the phrase"Awww--you SHOULDN'T have"!!
    Hell naw,that sucked..but you have to admit,it WAS a tad bit funny.Something my co-workers would prolly do,no doubt.
    Ahh-hahh the joys of rearing the children!lol Mine pulled last minute stuff usually on a daily basis.As you can see from my post,they flew in and out to visit at the last minute tonight..looking all cute and headed to Dallas to party.
    Hate to admit it..wishing I was going too,just not with my girls

  14. I have to say that's kinda hilarious, lol. Although building you up like that to just give you a couple chocolates (not even a box? come on!) is a little mean. But on the bright side, they're Andes mints, and those are awesome. :) I hope Cole's bithday party goes well! And I love the idea of a Transformer cake with his face on it...can't wait to see pictures! Have a good weekend!

  15. Happy Birthday Cole!

    Whew! That's just craziness, huh?! I've done the last minute lunchable too!

    I hope you find a bit of time to enjoy yourself this weekend! I missed visiting you! Hopefully, the hubster is on the mend now and we can get back to normal here!

  16. That is too funny! I love Andes chocolate actually. Perfect blend of mint and chocolate. So addicting. The spa would've been sweet though.

  17. Hi Alexis, it is so nice to be back here. I enjoyed reading this post. Andes chocolates, that reminds me of my husband when he was yet my boyfriend, he gave me that kind of chocolate. :)
    Have a nice weekend. :)

  18. Poppin in to check on an update,instead got yet another laugh re-reading this again.

  19. Belated Happy Birthday Cole!

    Too funny with the chocolate. I love Ande's mint chocolates. I am glad you got a good "real" present!


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