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Thursday, April 23, 2009

"FFFF #23: Anything April" ... New Glasses

Hi Everyone, I want to start off first with an apology. Yesterday was so crazy at work, big proposal and working with a boss which is always fun ... LOL. I then had to run and drop off and pick up items for work, then picked up the boys and had to go order Cole's Cake for Saturday. Then rushed home to get dinner going and then my 3rd job asked if I could do data entry on Wednesdays also, so finally at 11:30pm I finished up. So long story short I didn't get a chance to come by and say hi to you all! I'm so sorry for no comment love, I'll be back to say hi to you all! Finally will be quiet after Saturday and the party is over ... Yeah!

Side Note: Rick's first day went great, he loves it! Sounds like it's going to be a good switch, more soon! And thank you Ms. Christine I wish I could cut back on all these jobs, but sadly it won't be for some time! Muah Love You for worrying about me!


So it's that time again the day before Diana puts up the next challenge, hey I have a lot going on each day is packed around here ... LOL. So girls here it is my new glasses! My Amy's are totally giggling they love to see the poser come out :). Love my new glasses I think I look pretty sassy!
Here is what Diana has to say make sure to go visit her @ Diana Rambles or if you are in need of a blog design she rocks and talk about a deal! Custom Blog Designs by FreeStyleMama Creations and hey if you mention that I referred you I get $5 off my upcoming blog makeover :).
The theme for this month is anything goes. That means you need to post at least
1 photo and tell us about it. Any photo...any theme. Come back here and link
your post on the Mr. Linky below. You can grab the FFFF button code above.
Detailed directions for participating in FFFF and how to do get the direct URL
to your post can be found
My new fav Black with White Sides and jewels on the sides :).
Don't you just love my rocker do today ... LOL
Geoffrey Beene Glasses
Straight on of the Black/White
Up close of my cool jewels :) My Baby Phat Pink Glasses
I thought these would be my favs, not the black/white
Cool Jewel/Stamp also on the side :)
Insides are pink, very cute
Costco was the best place to get glasses I got 2 pairs with lenses for $140, yup you heard me right! One pair was $49.99 and one was $39.99 plus $27.99 for lens and you get $25 off when you buy two! Yup I can't help myself sharing my deals!


  1. Love the new glasses, especially the black/white ones. Very lovely.

  2. I am so happy for your husbands job! Yay!

    And love our new glasses:)

  3. Great glasses they look good on you.
    Glad hubby's day went good and hope this turns into a great job for him.

  4. Hey there poser,
    Glad all is well in your home. Job is great for Rick yeah. I so love the new glasses. But most of all the great savings. No wait, I meant to say your poser face. I guess it is a poser day. I have some posing going on at my place. Have a great day.

  5. Love the glasses! I need to see the eye dr. -- mye eyes are starting to bother me. Love the pictures. TFS

  6. Those look adorable on you!!! I have to get to costco (when i get some money!) I still have no glasses and I'm nearly blind (i live off contacts!)

  7. great pix and i looooove those glasses.. they look awesome on you!

  8. Totally LOVING those glasses! I am probably going to be heading back into glasses soon for my lazy eye & that's exactly what I want - something "cool" but reined in - with a little bit of BLING & shine... LOVE EM!!!

  9. I don't know how you work 3 jobs, keep up a house and family and still have time to blog. I have one fulltime job, a family and I barely have time to breathe. YOu are superwoman!

    Love love love the new glasses, they are so cute on you! I love your hair too, I am chopping mine off this weekend. :D

  10. Hey Ms Sexy. You don't have to apologize I haven't been around in forever it seems. I'm having problems staying on twitter too damn much and I chat with everyone there but it really hinders me from commenting on their blogs. So you definately don't owe me any apologies. How have you been? Guess I should read up and find out eh???

  11. I TOTALLY agree w/ Amywell,everyone's comments..but Amy said what I wanted to say.
    I mean,good grief,hun,THREE jobs,a family and all the stuff around the house and everything that pertains to running a household....where do you even find time to blog at all.
    So goodness girl,no need to apologize at all.I'm just glad to see you pop in every so often.
    Whoooo-wheee! Your like a superwoman slash supermom..

  12. Love the glasses! And life is super busy, hard, complicated, and so many other adjectives I could be here all day but we all understand and love you whether you comment every day or not! Hugs

  13. They're both cute, I can't decide which ones I like better! I have to wear glasses too but I rarely do, my face is not made for glasses. I have a horse face thats long and skinny and my eyes are too close together so when I wear glasses I look like a nerd! Plus I have to buy my glasses in the child's section because the adult ones are too big for my face!


  14. So cute! I love your new glasses! I just got a new pair too (I'm waiting to pick them up, they aren't in yet...poo) but they were not nearly that cheap! I have a ridiculous prescription so the lenses themselves were $99, which is actually a really good deal! Normally they would run me about $400. Yeah, crazy right? But I am totally jealous of your cute new frames! You're a rock star with all those jewels (and for getting such a great price)! :D

  15. All happy for you....and now you've got a spare too!
    Totally understand being busy.....3 jobs, 2 kids and an exchange student in a pear tree.......or something like that!...........cheers!

  16. You are so adorable! LOVE the new glasses!


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