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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Best of 2013 ... September to December

We finish our recap of 2013 with a few more most clicked recipes and DIY projects!  Hope you enjoyed this fun recap and maybe found something you would like to do!  Thank you for stopping by and commenting all year round, I have made so many great friends and can't wait for 2014!  These haven't been viewed as much as the previous months, I find my pins get more clicks after 3 months or so go figure!

Have an Amazing New Year's Eve!
Be safe and with your loved ones!

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Best of 2013 ... May to August

My Second day of the Best of 2013, today I will feature the top viewed post of May to August.  Hope you find something you may have missed and want to try.  I love to hear from people when they try a recipe or a DYI project I've done.

Viewed 1382 Times

Viewed 2984 Times

Viewed 986 Times

Viewed 1532 Times

Viewed 1228 Times

Viewed 2171 Times

Viewed 3883

Viewed 1472 Times

Viewed 996 Times

Viewed 825 Times

Viewed 803 Times

Viewed 1042 Times

Viewed 3110 Times

Viewed 1319 Times

Viewed 1044 Times

Viewed 5316

Viewed 2858 Times

Viewed 778 Times

Hope you all enjoy and maybe found something fun to make!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Thank You to My Wonderful Sponsors!!!

Baby Pop
cafe Press
Easy Lunch Boxes
Faith Words
Glasses USA
Great Wolf Lodge
Jump Start
My Baby Clothes Boutique
My Blog Spark
red envelope
She Speaks

tote bags
Strap Doctor
You Can Make This

Total Pageviews


Awards I've been Given! You Really Love Me!! (Yes my best Oscar Speech)

friendhip2 from Anissa
passoinate-blogger-award (Heidi @ Tried & True Cooking)
You're a Superstar Blogger
you-dont-say-post - Kristie Notes
Annisa (Over the top)
Jessica Mommy Needs Coffee (Lovely)
Annissa (Queen Award)
Your Blog is Fabulous
Best Comedic Performance
Splash Award
Best Blog Award
Dragon's Loyalty Award
The Heartfelt Award
Daffy Commenter Award
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