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Monday, October 5, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays ~ Coffee Cake with Apple Pie Filling

Blessed with Grace

Today I'm showing off another amazing recipe from Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms that I'm giveaway 1 copy of (yes I'm so selfless like that). Yes check out the giveaway here: Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Book Giveaway (10/18/09). Ok now onto my yummy new recipe that was so yummy I had to cut it up and wrap it up so it could leave my house so I could STOP eating it!!

Coffee Cake with Apple Pie Filling

Here is what you need, I'll leave the directions for when you buy or WIN the book. I know I'm evil like that!

12 tbs butter, softened
1 1/4 cups sugar
4 large eggs
8 oz. sour cream
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 1/4 c flour
1 tbs baking powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

Apple Pie Filling
1 c sugar
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
6 Granny Smith Apples

Yup doesn't that sounds Delish? Ok when I put it in the dish I was thinking oh man it saya 13x9 inch pan but when I put it down it didn't feel out. Yup I was scared even though she say it will expand, yup it does. It is so moist and the apples stay a little crisp but still with a yummy gooey middle you crave! I was able to use the rest of the apples from Cole's field trip and made enough to take the BBQ that we have every Wednesday. Yup it's wrapped up and ready to go, and no I can't open it up to steal a piece (I made SURE of it). Check out my pics of the fun making this!!! And the piece I saved for myself :). And on a side NOTE take that Rick I do too use my mixer!

Ok NOW yes NOW (LOL) go over and enter to WIN a free copy of this amazing book. Look I even put a easy link for you to click on ;)

Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Book Giveaway (10/18/09)


  1. YUM! That and your zucchini apple bread look to be a delicious feast! I'm taking note of both recipes, since we seem to be awash in both apples and zucchinis... Handy! And good timing, lol.

  2. I'm such a sucker for anything with apples in it! Especially now that its fall - my favorite time of the year! I'm headed over for this giveaway right now!

  3. That looks incredible! I want it now.

  4. What a great fall dessert. Nothing is better than apples this time of year!

  5. Yummy looks so good! I can't wait to win that cookbook!

  6. this looks WONDERFUL! i could just imagine eating it up with a cup of either coffee or hot cocoa on a cold day!

    btw- i love the way you did your pics today!

  7. Yum! You're really making me want to win that cookbook! ;-)

  8. Looks good and I love how you display your post pictures!!

  9. YUM-O!!! Totally entering that giveaway! And good grief girl, you've been quite the busy reader lately! LOL!

  10. That would have gone great with the ice cream I had for dinner tonight. (it was one of those days)
    So could ya pack it up and ship out this way?????

  11. It does sound yummy, just what we need for this fall weather!

  12. Oh oh ohhh did someone say coffee LOL Love it so yummy!

  13. You are going to make me so FAT!

    I have that cookbook too! I love it!

  14. Ok, that's even better than applesauce!!! But alas, we have no good oven for me to bake one...........bummer..........

  15. That looks really yummy... thanks for sharing the recipe and the link for the cookbook.
    You are always such a sweetie. You are so nice to give all the best things to other people, most people would just keep them for themselves, but not you... you share because you da best!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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